Who Won ?

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"Okay step one says
'walk three hundred steps and to the left you'll find a tree.
Open the red letter in the box you'll see.
Its not hard and its not even tricky.
But your next clue maybe a little bit sticky'.

"What the hell does that mean ?" Chelsea asked.

"I dont know but we'll see very soon, come on lets get a move on it".

We counted out our steps aloud to make sure we made exactly three hundred like the map said.

"298,299,300.. Where the hell is the box ?" Anna asked.

"Oooh over there, I see Ms Johnson standing next to one". I ran over and opened the box next to her, inside was a red letter like the map said. Along with five tokens and a red flag.

"What does it say ?".
'Lucky you, lucky who, Lucky new pair of shoes. Walk two hundred steps to your right if you want your next clue'.

"Okay lets get a move on it". I handed everyone a token and we started pacing two hundred steps to the right.

"197,198,199,200". We looked around at all the tall trees that surrounded us but saw no box or flag. We heard shuffling coming through the bushes which somewhat scared us, but as the noise got louder, we eventually had seen that it was just Sams group.

"Oh are you guys looking for this ?" She held up a red flag and map knowing damn well it was ours.

"Give it back !"

"No, our map says that if we find it first you must buy it back for a token".

It now made sense why we were given the tokens, if anyone got to your chest before you did, you could buy whatever it is back.

"Also it says that whoever gives up their token must join the team, and seeing that I dont like any of you i'll take her" she said pointing at Dayna

"Its fine Dayna, you can go, we'll win you back" I told her because I could see the look of defeat on her face. Sam gave us our flag and map before walking off. I tore it open and quickly read it because what if everyone else was ahead of us ?.

'Pace one hundred steps down south
for this challenge you'll have to use your mouth'.

We started our journey of counting up to one hundred until we arrived at what looked like a food eating contest but the food looked disgusting. On one table they had squid, on the other was uncooked eggs in a cup and spoiled milk.

"Uh Uh I aint doing this shit" Bianca said tapping out.

" Come on yall, we have too !" I told them. Looking up I could see Cory's team making their way over to us.

"No no no their coming ! We have to eat this shit quick" i said running for the squid. Anna chugged down the spoiled milk which wasnt actually spoiled, they just labeled it like that to scare us.

The squid was somewhat raw but still seasoned. Chelsea drank the uncooked eggs like a champ. The boys were getting closer and Sam those were right behind them.

"Guys theres three chest behind us" Bianca pointed out and we ran over to them before the others got to it. We opened them up taking everyone else's flags and maps.

"Shit ! They beat us to it" Ryan said.

"Yeah and you gotta buy it back if you want it" Chelsea told him.

"Fine how much ?"

"We want 3 tokens from yall and you guys too". I pointed at both teams demanding they pay up which they did. Plus we got Dayna back. We now had in total 10 tokens and our full team back.
Our next clue read

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