Sarah's Diary

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~Dear Diary~
Today I finally did it, I grew the balls
to eat sushi. Yup thats right, sushi baby.
That California roll was slamming. But
wait theres more, guess who became
captain after three years of playing
shooting guard. Of course, the one
and only Sarah Perkins, AKA Me.
I was so scared. Coach Devon has been
so nice and supportive of me. Its kinda
cute. I met a nice girl today, shes in set
with my little sister Sam. I think her
name is Jasmine or something that
begins with a J. Anyway, tomorrow
is our first practice as a team. I
cant wait.

I got comfortable under my quilt, reading the first page of Sarah's diary. At first it felt like an invasion of privacy, but then I remembered the reason why I was doing it. Ms Baker was in complete and utter shock when I told her what Samantha told me. I told her that Sam agreed to testify in court against coach D. I honestly wanted to report him right this minute for being a pedophile but she insisted we wait.

Everyones been posting about graduation and prom. I still hadn't found a dress as yet. I honestly wasn't even feeling it anymore.
How could I focus on purchasing a dress when Mason was behind bars fighting for his freedom. I dont know, I just felt like I was being selfish.
Plus I still hadn't told Taya I called her and Tariq's name. Im not a snitch or a rat, Ms Baker will do everything in her power to make sure Tariq doesn't go to jail for this.

"Hey watchu doing ?" Chloe peeked her head in

"Watching porn" I joked

"Lesbian or Hentai ?"

"Girl quit it" I slapped her butt as she belly flopped onto my bed.

"Seeing that you broke up with Cory, who you going to prom with ?"

"I dont think Im going..."

She rolled her eyes, hissing her teeth.

"And why the hell not ?"


"Because nothing. You have no reason to not wanna go to prom Jess. You cant keep sitting in here sulking all day. You're not a lawyer, let his lawyer do her job and you try to live a normal high school teenager life or whatever it is Y'all kids do"

"Im not sulking and stop talking like you're some old person"

"Have you seen your face lately ? You have bags under your eyes. You're letting yourself go because you keep stressing yourself out. Whenever he comes home he may not even want you if you keep looking like this"

I got up and looked in the mirror. Ive been putting concealer under my eyelids lately due to lack of sleep and insomnia. I even looked like I lost about five pounds. Chloe was right, I wasn't taking care of myself.

"Okay fine, you're right"

"Lets look at some dresses okay, maybe that'll get you in the spirit"

"Okay, but the dress has to be pink"

"Girl no. This aint no sweet sixteen party" she took out of her phone, opening up Pinterest for ideas. "Here, you like these?"

The first two were cute and simple, the third one was plain but the last one took my breath away.

"Thats it, thats the one" I pointed at the beautiful nude sequenced dress with the tail to the side and a low cut V-breast line.

"I remember my days of wearing stuff like this. Liam just sucked all the life out of my titties"

"Ewww TMI"

"Girl Shut up, one day it'll be you"

"I'm scared of kids. This world is so evil, you see what that piece of shit did to Jamison, you see what Coach Hannah is doing to Mason, you see how mom was with us growing up; And no offense but Liam's dad isn't shiiiiit"

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