What goes around comes around

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In 0.5 seconds, everything flashed before my eyes. Our first date at the fair. Him helping me face my fear of heights. Talking about our future, how much kids we wanted, our dream jobs.

Everything he said to me meant nothing at this moment. But then it snapped back to me, what you give to the world, you get back. What goes around comes back around.

They both hesitated at first, however the crowd went mad chanting "Kiss Kiss Kiss !" Which placed more pressure on them to do it. Cory got up, storming out and people started booing him. Then Dayna got up, giving me an apologetic face. I just looked away because if I were her, I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that either. So I didn't know if to feel upset or ashamed.

Chloe just shook her head giving me the 'bitch I told you face'. My focus wasn't even on the game at this point. I just wanted to go home, curl up into my bed and eat all my emotions away.

The Ref blew the whistle signaling for us to come back. The boys were down by one person so we had an advantage. Taya and Amanda could now guard Brandons bitch ass, and I could use this as my final chance to woo the judges.



We had caught the guys team up. They still lead with 125 but we had 122. Brandon was being heavily guarded by Taya and Amanda which made him fumble the ball. Taya caught it, throwing it to Erica but Klay Thompson caught it. Running down court Candace was guarding him. He threw the ball to Brandon but as soon as he got it, I stole it. Running down the court, stopping at the three point line.

Announcer: Mr Tyson
She shoots ! She scores ! What an amazing shot by Jessica Jones whose also the captain of Chicago Preparatory Senior High School.

Announcer: Ms Cynthia
A beautiful young lady as well. Not only is she captain of her high school team, but shes also an honor roll student, maintaining a 3.90 GPA and volunteer work with special needs students. Shes something special. Her chances of winning are starting to look good.

Announcer: Mr Tyson
She stumbled quite a bit at first, but shes back on her feet. Bringing the females tied with the guys team. With thirty seconds left on the clock, lets see who's gonna bring this one home.

 With thirty seconds left on the clock, lets see who's gonna bring this one home

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