Will You go to Prom with me ?

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Im getting released today
                                                 Dont you think I
                                                 know that🤣
Can we go today ?
I wanna see her..💔😭
                                                I'll take you, but
                                               I'm not coming out
Jess... please..
                                             Chelsea no. I still
                                               blame myself for
                                               what happened😓
This was NOT your
fault ! 😫
Dont just read my text
and ignore me !!
Jess💔😭 Please
I dont wanna go
by myself !!!
                                           Fine, but the most
                                           I'll do is get out the
                                            car. I'm not going
                                           up to her grave...

I still blamed myself for what happened to Anna everyday. I guess thats why I bury myself so deep into Masons case, to keep busy and my mind off of what happened to my best friend.

I carry her death as a burden on my shoulders. Im the one that suggested she and Chelsea come out with us. It was suppose to have been me dead, not her.

"Hey.. can I drive myself to school today ?"

"What for ?"

"Chelsea wants to go to Anna's grave once I pick her up afterschool"

"Okay I'll ask Tammy to pick me up. The keys are in my purse"

"Thank you, I'll put gas in it"

"Thats fine, how are you holding up?"

"Not good" i said walking over to the couch, retrieving her purse.

"Listen Jess..."

-Phone Buzz-

"Shh, one sec" I ran upstairs knowing who was calling me. "Hello ?" I answered half way out of breath.

"Took you long enough" he joked

"Shut up" I felt my cheeks turn hot red

"What you up to ?"

"Getting ready for school, today is that day"

"The day everyone goes all out asking someone to go to prom?"

"Yup.. and guess who dosent have a date"

"You do, he's just in a sticky situation"

"So was that your way of asking me ?" I chuckled.

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