Chapter Forty-Three (Part Three)

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't want me kissing some other guy—"

"You literally had a heated make-out session in Land Beyond Us!" Jungkook laughed, "you're an actor, I don't care who you kiss on camera as long as it stays on camera."

Taehyung continued pouting like a child and Jungkook began to realize where his daughters got it from. They would pout and pout until they got their way and the same went for the grown man sitting in front of him.

"I can't act, Taehyung," Jungkook argued, "you're a phenomenal actor, I'm not like Park Jinyoung, Kim Dongwook, or—"

"You never know until you try," Taehyung interrupted, slapping the script onto the table, "I want you to check it out, you'll be playing the role of Seo Hojung and I'm Lee Sihyuk."

Jungkook sighed before nodding. "Fine — wipe that small off your face, I'm not saying I'll actually do it."


"Everyone, this is my boyfriend Jungkook," Taehyung said as Jungkook walked away from his car where Hanbin was sitting. He made sure the air conditioning was on and that Hanbin was comfortable, making sure to explain that they would be there for a while and Taehyung had shown him where the bathroom was located.

They were standing in a field-like area so Jungkook wasn't too worried since he could see his son perfectly well as he parked close the set but far enough so it wouldn't be in the way.

Jungkook smiled and greeted everyone after they greeted him, some giving Taehyung confused looks as they didn't know he was dating anyone.

"May I ask why he's here?" A man, probably younger than Jungkook, asked.

"Ah, Jungkook, this is my other assistant, Yeonjun, he's usually around when Saejun isn't," Taehyung explained before answering the man's question, "I requested Jungkook play Seo Hojung. This is his first time doing anything like this, but he can honestly do anything so don't worry."

Jungkook pinched his arm. "Stop it."

Before anyone could say anything else, Taehyung clapped his hands. "Let's get started before the sun goes down."

It was 8:30 in the morning. The son wasn't going down anytime soon.

The first seen started off with two young boys Jungkook hadn't noticed until the popped up from the makeup artist's chair. They were both right years old and were absolutely adorable. Jungkook watched intently from the chair that directors usually sit in. Taehyung stood beside him, staring at the camera while not getting in the cameraman's way.

'These boys are children but they're probably so much better than me' Jungkook thought as he watched the two boys hold hands. This was the beginning scene of the story which was set roughly in the early 1900s; gay love is forbidden. The boy playing Sihyuk was telling Hojung that he told his mother that he wanted to marry him when they get older. The mother was the only supporting person in the story that Jungkook knew about as he didn't get through the whole script yet. The mother would eventually help them escape persecution which would lead to her own death.

Jungkook thought the story was gorgeous. The themes were courage, love always wins, and never giving up. Sihyuk was a prince and Hojung was part of an aristocratic family — they were both set to marry young girls but Sihyuk's mother was secretly planning their escape for when they turn eighteen. It seemed like a generic story, but the ending was what was going to have people on the edge of their seats: Hojung was to be hanged, but he escapes and goes missing. Jungkook didn't read that far so imagine his anger when Taehyung told him the ending.

"They're good," Jungkook commented to which Taehyung replied, "yeah, but not good enough." He proceeded to yell "CUT" before telling them to restart the scene.

Jungkook never knew how much of a perfectionist his boyfriend was until today. Of course, he was nitpicky about how his clothes were to be folded and how certain things should look around his house, but he was slowly growing tired of the constant cuts because Taehyung wasn't satisfied with how someone's eyes looked on camera.

By the time they finished for the day, it was almost seven and Jungkook was irritated. During the day, he periodically checked in on Hanbin to see if he needed anything but the boy had everything he needed. He didn't finish his breakfast nor did he finish his lunch but he did manage to read an entire book and started a new one. When they finished and headed back to the car, Jungkook found his son peacefully sleeping.

"Working with you was a nightmare," Jungkook said, "an absolute nightmare."

"Yeah, yeah, but the overall result will be worth it," the brunet responded with an eye roll, "you're an awesome actor though, how are you so good at everything?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes but didn't answer. Taehyung knew the younger man was annoyed with him, but could you blame him? Taehyung directed movies before and he's acted in several, but this was his first LGBTQ+ movie. He was representing an oppressed community and so he wanted to make the experience for his fans as amazing as possible. And if that meant fifty re-dos, then so be it. He's always been a perfectionist when it came to his performance or the performance of the people who worked for him, Jungkook would eventually get used to it the way his team has gotten used to it.

"I'm sowwy, baby, I'll make up for ruining your mood," he apologized. "But must I add, you're really cute when you're mad."

"Stop talking to me, I've heard enough of your voice for eleven hours."

They rode in silence for a while, the faint snoring from Hanbin the only sound in the car. Taehyung texted away on his phone, scoffing when Seokjin's name appeared on his screen and quickly hanging up. They ended their contract in February and Taehyung washed his hands of the older male and the only time he ever saw him was when he was with Jungkook. They've been hanging out more often than Taehyung liked, but who was he to dictate who the younger man could and couldn't be around?

"Jungkook," Taehyung suddenly spoke up, "since you're pretty much part of my team now, you'll be announced on social you want me to tell my fans about you when it happens?"

Jungkook glanced at him before looking back at the road. This wasn't the first time Taehyung or Seokjin brought this topic up. He knew eventually his celebrity boyfriend would have to tell his millions of followers about their relationship, but he simply wasn't ready for his privacy to be invaded. But then again, he was acting as the love interest for Taehyung's character in Taehyung's movie. His privacy would be invaded either way.

"I guess you can tell them..." Jungkook said after a few minutes, "but if they react negatively, don't tell me, I don't want to know."


Word Count: 1879

Very anticlimactic, but we're slowly walking down the falling action as part three is the last part (unless I make a last-minute decision to add some unneeded part for the children but I'm not making a sequel for this book like I did for SC and I'm standing by my word this time 💀💀💀💀)

I'm gonna start asking questions lol
Q: what other groups do you like besides BTS? If you're just a BTS stan, then why? (no judgement, it's a genuine question 😊)

I love a lot of groups but I'm currently obsessed with Twice, BlackPink, and TXT (I'm learning Lovesick Girls dance 💀)


" "Ah, my name is Charlie, by the way." "

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