Chapter Forty-One

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I hope the smut doesn't seem rushed or too early 🥺✌

I've written smut a few times, but this is my first time using "cock" and "dick" 😭 so bear with me, poutats 💀


"Look at your birthday twins, Channie~" Jungkook cooed as he rubbed his finger against the baby's tiny nose.

Jimin had gone in labour a few minutes after 6pm and stayed in labour until ten. Jungkook heard from Namjoon how tiring it was for both of them. The oldest by three minutes came at thirty minutes after ten followed by his brother at 10:33. The oldest was named Jihyuk and the youngest was named Namkyu - they were identical so Namjoon and Jimin assigned colours to them to tell them apart better. Jihyuk always wore green or yellow while Namkyu wore blue or orange.

Jungkook was currently holding Namkyu who was comfortably swaddled in an orange and white candy corn blanket while Jimin sat across from him feeding Jihyuk.

Chanwoo ignored him as he rolled on his stomach, staring intently at the Nintendo Switch Jungkook had bought him. Jungkook rolled his eyes as his son before looking back down at the week-old baby in his arms. The baby was asleep, frequently letting out little puffs of breath and tiny adorable sounds. Jungkook smiled at him, suddenly remembering the days his two boys were this small.

Chanwoo had been a rough pregnancy both externally and internally. During the pregnancy, Jungkook had had two miscarriage scares and he was hospitalized for the remaining term of pregnancy when he far within eight months. Minsun had contributed to it all, plus Jungkook had three-year-old Hanbin to care for as well with little to no help from Minsun. After having the cesarean, Minsun still expected Jungkook to perform the same tasks as before despite being advised from his obstetrician not to strain himself - not to mention he was in a lot of pain. So caring for his two kids was harder than before with the pain of the surgery and postnatal depression.

Hanbin had been a rather easy pregnancy, though. He didn't have in problems besides him worrying about how inactive Hanbin would become sometimes. For the first two trimesters, Minsun had been tentative, but during his last trimester, the older man began to show his true colours.

Hanbin had been a calm baby just as Namkyu was being now. Jimin told him that Namkyu was definitely the good one - the newborn slept through the night and barely cried unless he was hungry or needed his diaper changed. Jungkook smiled, remembering Hanbin had been that way as well.

He had just returned from visiting Hanbin yesterday. He had sat in the visitor's area with his seven-year-old. He tried to keep a smile on his face and talked happily despite the cold or indifferent looks Hanbin gave him. That day, he had been given news no parent would want to hear. He had been informed by Hanbin's doctor that the boy was showing sociopathic traits characterized by Cluster B personality disorders which included antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. He was leaning towards antisocial personality disorder.

He also seemingly had a touch phobia also known as Haphephobia. He ironically sought comfort in dark, small spaces and tended to curl up or find the tightest-fitting space when he got anxious or upset.

He was refusing to participate in social activities even one someone initiated a conversation. He would simply ignore them or walk around from them.

Jungkook had asked about treatments as well and he was only told that they showed him a video as a way to see whether or not he could empathize with other people; they didn't get clear results. Hanbin was also given a journal but they weren't allowed to read it and Jungkook wasn't either as it was a way to give the kids privacy.

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