Helpless (Fem! Jiang Cheng)

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Jiang Cheng smiled nervously as she entered the ballroom, today was the annual Jin winter ball, her sisters thought it best to sneak out yunmeng and go to Langling. Jiang Cheng didn't understand how she could've let Wei Wuxian influence her.

She laughed at Yanli who was a blushing mess after young master Jin asked for a dance. The purple clad woman bowed her head and moved swiftly to the far corner of the room. She sat next to Madame Jin who welcomed her with opened arms.

That's when she spotted a white and blue clad male with golden eyes, her heart suddenly went "boom" heat rose to her bosom and face.

She immediately looked around, looking for Wuxian or Yanli. When she saw the male turn in her direction. Jiang Cheng ran...just her luck she bumped into Wei Wuixian.

"Jiang Cheng? What's wrong? Who do I have to kill?"


"What? What handsome?"

Jiang Cheng pulled the other to the where she saw the golden eyed man. He was still there talking to Jin Guanyao. "Shijie me" She whined.

"Whoa you really should call meShijie more..." Jiang Cheng stuck out her tongue.

Suddenly Wei Wuxian grinned mischievously. The red and black dress made her look like a demoness, the girl walked over to the golden eyed man.

"Fuck I'm done for" Jiang Cheng flushed about to run and hide but she couldn't because the little fucker brought the golden eyed man with her.

"My sister" Wei Wuxian smiled

"Jiang Cheng, It's a pleasure to meet you" 

"Jiang?" He studied her

"I'm the adopted one" Wei Wuxian grinned then spotted Yanli and left them.

"I'm Lan Xichen"


Jiang Cheng sneaked into her father's study room with the help of Wei Wuxian. The deal was Jiang Cheng to call her Shijie for a month. Tonight was perfect. She stole Fengmian's brush and two pieces of parchment.

She sat down in the pavilion taking out the letter Lan Xichen wrote to her just two days ago. Suddenly the paper was snatched.

Fuuuck fuck crap

"Ooo so this is what he about a harem Cheng-Cheng?"

"No fuck off give it back Wuxian" she whispered.

"I'm just saying if you love me you'd share him"

"Ha!" Jiang Cheng grabbed the letter back and hissed at her sister.

Two Weeks later

The girl tapped the table continuously. Until Yanli and Wuxian grabbed her hand and dragged her by the throne room. "We can-" Yanli covered Jiang Cheng's mouth. They then slightly pushed the doors apart to see Fengmian's glare.

"So you're the man that caught a-Cheng's heart"

"You have it wrong sir, It's she who stole mine"

Two hours later

Jiang Fengmian walked over to the other then shook Lan Xichen's hand

"Be true"

"Thank You sir!"

"Oh and another thing...hurt my daughter and I will hunt you and I will kill you"

"Y-yes s-sir"

The sisters then pulled the girl into the backyard. Five minutes later Lan Xichen found them.

"Excuse me...can I speak to Wanyin alone?"

The girls giggled then scampered inside.

"Wanyin...I love you so much. I'm afraid I haven't completely been honest. I'm a sect leader not only member of the lan sect"

"I know. You really think I'm naive and stupid?"

"No..." Jiang Cheng leaned up and kissed him

"I love you too"

Three weeks later

Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen finally did the last bow. "I feel so...helpless in a good way"

Lan Xichen laughed "I have you by my side"

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