Jiang furen

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This is gonna to be Good.
Coreless Jiang Cheng.

Fight me (≧▽≦) you can't fight this cute face :D

And before y'all ask Wei Wuixian did marry Jiang Cheng but they never did anything cuz he sees him like a brother (or sister the way I put it down)


Jiang Cheng was born on a Tuesday, snow started to fall, it was the first ever and only snowfall in Yunmeng Jiang.

Some would say he was a blessing, others said it was a curse.

His older adopted brother Wei Wuixian was delcared the Yunmeng Jiang heir after two months, Jiang Fengmian and  elders agreed to it, no one knew why they did.

Madame Yu didn't even object. When the Jiang was at the age to train, Madame Yu did not let him, instead she hired tutors to teach classes in languages, sciences, math and astrology... poison...

The boy was always inside of his room studying, no one except the disciples and servants of Lotus Pier saw him, he never stepped a foot much less a toe out of Lotus pier, none of the villagers saw him.

So they forgot him...one by one.

Until Wei Wuixian became sworn in as the Sect leader of Yunmeng Jiang.

Wei Wuixian had someone sitting right next to him...in the seat where the Jiang furen was supposed to be.

It was boy, pale with striking sharp yet feminine looks, soft red lips, tiny waist and jet black hair. The boy wore a dress that was decorated in jewels and in his hair beautiful hair pieces, his eyes violet and striking, yet lifeless, as if he didn't want to be here.  Then they learned that he was Jiang Wanyin.

It became known to them that Wei Wuixian had been betrothed to him the day he was born. the people of Yunmeng mourned the childhood that was ripped away from the young Jiang heir for the times their children played was the times he was learning to become a proper wife, the now Jiang furen.

Five years went by and nothing is heard from Lotus Pier, yet the sect has gotten richer from fabrics that the Jiang furen created, it was called lotus silk.

It was created by extracts from the stem of lotuses and the fabric was light, recommended for the heat they had.

Lotus silk was also expensive to make and buy.

Only the richest or the rich could buy hundreds of thousands without feeling a dent in their pockets...yet lotus silk in the village was free to it's residents.

Lan Xichen found these things out in a matter of two days.

However the Jiang Furen was the one peaking his curiosity.

How come no one knew who he was, or what he looked like? Only these villagers, but only after the coronation day for Wei zhongzu.

Why would they purposely hide him?

He's going to find out, yes he'll write to the Yunmeng Sect leader to but top quality Lotus silks.

When the Lan arrived in lotus pier he was greeted by the gates by the sect leader and his entourage.

"Ah, Lan zhongzu, I was really surprised when you wrote to purchase lotus silks"

"I've heard that it was a very light fabric and the designs and colors are very beautiful"

"Yes, yes, do come in, let me take you to a tour around lotus pier and we shall talk about those things in the later evenings" Wei Wuixian is driving him away from inquiring about the fabrics on purpose.

The talk had to wait since Wei Wuixian had trouble to set straight.

Lan Xichen recognizes a male, possibly an elder, he is curious to why the man is carrying him to the private parts of Lotus Pier.

"I am the sect leader's Valet, I am the second person he sees in the morning and last he sees at night"

"So you reside near his chambers?"

"I am wherever Zhongzu needs me"

"I imagine his bed to be very crowded then..." Lan Xichen covers his mouth, he is surprised to hear himself say that.

Suddenly they come to a stop, ahead of them is a very beautifully decorated door.

The old man bows "this is where I leave you" he opens the doors for Lan Xichen then leaves.

Lan Xichen is stumped, he has never seen a room so beautiful...it looks like an antechamber of a bedroom.

Beautiful paintings are on the wall and Lan Xichen observes one of them, it has a woman, two males and...is that...a dwarf?

The dwarf is seated at the male dressed in gorgeous purple's feet. He recognizes the others as lady Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuixian...

Lan Xichen feels a pull to the male dressed in all purple. The doors to another room open and the male from the painting steps out, with the dwarf and a few female servants. The male looks surprised and Lan Xichen had never seen anyone so ethereal and graceful in his life.

"A-yin...I thought my husband had requested for me?"

"He did, Jiang furen..."

Ah...so that beauty is Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wanyin...the Jiang furen.

Lan Xichen greets him and the Jiang dismisses everybody in the room.

Now it was the two of them alone.

Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen walk around each other not speaking a word as if it would break the atmosphere...

Lan Xichen reached out to the male who is pulled into his embrace. The stare at each other for what seems like forever.

Then Lan Xichen's kissing the male and Jiang Cheng whimpers before tugging at his shirt.

Jiang Cheng pulls away and Lan Xichen is following his lips, the beauty places his finger on Xichen's lips and blushes lightly.

"I am a married man..."

"If I am punished to be with you...so be it"

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