Jiang furen (pt 2)

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Wei Wuixian can be his own mastermind

Prove me wrong

Lan Xichen is getting prepared for the night's party, hosted by Sect leader Wei of course.

He has stayed for the whole week in Yunmeng Jiang, and Lan Xichen has a good mind that Wei Wuixian had done this intentionally, everytime he was about to leave the valet would invite him to another of the many festivities in Yunmeng.

But he shouldn't complain, he has been keeping the Jiang furen company in the private courtyards and gardens sometimes by the lake.

They never did anything more than kiss, and read books to one another,and sometimes lan Xichen would present the Jiang Furen with lovely hairpins and hairpieces.

Lan Xichen hopes to see him at this festival today.

Jiang Cheng is there, he's there! Lan Xichen hears his heart pounding loudly.

The Jiang is dressed in a lovely Lilac Hanfu, he immediately recognizes the fabric, lotus silk. He's at the gambling table.

Lan Xichen is about to walk into the room where he saw the Jiang only to be stopped by a few disciples.

He notes that Wei Wuixian was also there along with Lan Xichen's clan elders and uncle.

Why is he feeling so nervous?

The Jiang furen lifts up his head to see him... he's leaning into his husband's ear.

Why is there a feeling of dread? What's happening?

Wei Wuixian's eyes lifted from his cards, his eyes glint with an unknown emotion. He allows the disciples to let Xichen pass.

Lan Xichen takes out his coin purse and pours all the coins unto the table.

"I'm sure this game has an upper hand"

Jiang Cheng pushes his own coins to the middle only for Wei Wuixian to stop him.

"This isn't a game for bets."

clearly it was two minutes before he arrived, he observes as Jiang Cheng gave his husband a questionable gaze.

Lan Xichen looks at his elders who gives him a disapproving stare and His uncle who is looking rather passive-agressive.

Just what conversation did they had a while ago?

Wei Wuixian takes his wife's hand and stands up "enjoy your talk gentlemen, a-Cheng come" he kisses the boy's hand and left. Jiang Cheng glances at the Lan then gives him a small smile before leaving.

"Lan Xichen..." His uncle starts and Xichen knows the tone quite well...

"Lan Xichen,what do I do with you?"


"No, let me finish."

"First you stay at Lotus Pier for a week, then you're seducing the Jiang furen"


"Do you understand the meaning of wife?"


"No! I'm not done yet!"

And he receives a lecture, Lan Xichen's zoning out until...

"The sect leader has decided to let you openly court him"

"Excuse me?"

"You didn't hear what I said? Wei zhongzu is letting you court his wife."

It's two weeks past and Lan Xichen is back at Cloud Recesses. He is reading through reports and replying to letters.

A red enclosed letter falls into his lap, curiosity peeks and he opens it.

Dear sir

I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous position to put wealth into both our sects that we have thanks to our luck see remember my wife you decided to f-

Lan Xichen curses "fuuckk..."

Uh oh  you made a wrong sucker a cuckold, so time to pay the Piper for the pants you unbuckled hey all this to say. you can keep seeing my lovely wife if you take responsibility during his pregnancy if not I'm telling your uncle.

And Lan Xichen realized quickly that he was literally fucked.

Jiang furen was pregnant and Wei Wuixian was threatening him on behalf of his wife.

Then another letter, it smelled of roses, fragrance parchment, he knew quite well who it was from.

The letter was short and simple, no traces of his pregnancy, all it says is Jiang Cheng didn't want him visit at Lotus Pier.

In fact he doesn't want him anymore.
Lan Xichen feels distressed, his heart is heavier that a bag of rice.

He decides to leave for lotus pier the next day.


To be continued, these are a draft from one of my books I'm writing

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