The Birth of Lan Si-Gun

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"I can't...I can't...I'm scared" Jin Guanyao said as he held the strand of white hair in his hand.

"Of course You can! Ariyes and I sneak out every night! So why can't You?"

"I'm just saying...maybe if you go out your hair would return to it's natural color" A-Xing reasoned then decided to braid Jin Guanyao

Jin Guanyao chuckled "You know you shouldn't be telling me this right?"

"I'm just saying...maybe if you go out your hair would return to it's natural color..." A-Xing suggests

Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen stayed at lotus pier for a two extra weeks. It was an advantage for Jin Guanyao because the guards felt sorry for their lady and let him outside. Even disguising him to enter Cai Yi town. It has been eight months in total and Jin Guanyao could barely move, the only thing he did was sleep. The physician said that he'd be in labor soon.

"A-Xing do you think we should sneak him away to Qinghe?" Ariyes asked as the other had placed a bowl of water on the table.

"We can't. Not right now. Mistress isn't ready in this condition. His hair is getting more white every passing day."

"What should we do?"

"I have a plan. Ariyes I need your help to sneak into Master's study room"

"What are you two whispering about?" A familiar voice rang through their ears.

"XUE YANG!!" the girls yelled in shock 'how the hell did he come in?'

"Shhh don't want to wake up little mistress" he hushed them

"No don't worry I didn't kill all the guards just two...I knocked out the rest" he smirked.

"Enough Yang Yang where did you put my gege? and where is my shou shou?"

"Excuse me? Your gege? He's mine now,Wen Ning ran away like a little bitch because Hanguang-jun found him, Song Lan is begin an ass because he can't see his wifey" he smiled as Ariyes' face turned red.

"Shut up!" She whisper-yelled.

"Is no one gonna question the fact that Xue Yang killed two guards?" Jin Guanyao asked as he stood up from his bed.

"Mistress don't get up..." they instantly  pulled Jin Guanyao down to sit

"I'm still a man you know"

"What happened to your hair? It's snow white now" Xue Yang.

"I don't know but I feel like I'm dying slowly" Jin Guanyao responded then hissed when the baby kicked his kidneys as to say 'not yet'

"I bring news from Qinghe. Nie Mingjue has officially declared war with Gusu Lan unless you are sent to him" Xue Yang sat next to him and rubbed the man's back.

"That idiot" Jin Guanyao muttered.

"Men right?" A-Xing shook her head at Ariyes' remark.

"I have a plan maybe you can ask gege for me?" A-Xing said

"What is it?"

"Let's write a Sect leader Nie...tell him to help A-Yao sneak away from Gusu"

"I see you got more brains from me! oh my darling~~I can't wait to tell Daozhang that his sister is my new disciple! " Xue Yang wept dramatically.

"Shut it" Jin Guanyao growled 'This pain is too much"

"All jokes aside. A-Xing your darling husband found a rather hidden shortcut to Qinghe. It's underground though"

"WHO'S MY HUSBAND?!" A-Xing yelled and proceeded to beat her brother-in-law with a pillow.

"Everyone don't move! Mistress is going into labour!!!" Ariyes' remark made the two stop moving an look at Jin Guanyao.


"AHHH" Jin Guanyao screamed as he felt something sharp down his entrance.


Hours...turned into a day and Jin Guanyao was still pushing this child from him.

"Come on mistress you can do it!!" A-Xing cheered

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!! AHHH" Jin Guanyao screamed.

"Why so mean mistress?" A-Xing pouted.

"You don't feel his pain?" Ariyes asked in more of a statement.

"Mistress call out to him!"Ariyes and A-Xing suggests

"A-JUE!!! A-JUEEEE!!!!" He yelled and bit his lips.

"Oh no...we are fucked"

"Mistress not that name we aren't alone-"

"It's okay I always be discreet with my patients" the physician said and continued to make his medicine.


"GOOD JOB MISTRESS NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS WHO YOU FUCK!" Ariyes yelled at him making Jin Guanyao cry...

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID! YOU MADE HIM CRY!!" A-Xing screamed at Ariyes

"STOP BEING A BITCH" Ariyes yelled at her.


"BOTH OF YOU OUT!! Damn you sound like your giving birth" the physician pushed the maids out.

After this a cry was heard "Ariyes do you hear that?" A-Xing asked

"That's the baby!" The slammed open the doors and quickly rushed in

"Mistress he's so cute...what's his name? Is it a-jue?" They asked teasingly.

"Don't talk to me you both insulted me and my real husband"


"Here his name is Nie Si-Gun take turns holding him.

"Yes A-Yao" Ariyes felt bad about what she said bit it was a bit too early to apologize.

"Mistress...his hair it's..."

"White? I know...the physician said he was conceived in a place where resentful energy was recent. He told me that's why my hair grew white first"

"You conceived him in the Sect leader Nie's study room then?" A-Xing inquired making Jin Guanyao nod.

"I'm tired." He turned away and went to sleep.

"Thanks so much" A-Xing thanked the physician and then paid him. She then took the child from Ariyes.

"Bitch." A-Xing said she really didn't like what Ariyes said to their mistress.

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