a rainy day (FEM Jiang Cheng)

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Also today is raining alot.


It's heavy rainfall in Gusu city, and Jiang Cheng wants her husband to cuddle her but he's to busy doing paperwork for his stupid family company.

So there she is seated near a bay-window watching the raindrops roll down the cold glass... she's never been so bored in her entire life.

The Jiang pulls up her blanket and sniffles a bit, She is pulled out of her plan to run outside to have a rain bath by a smell of Earl grey tea. She turns her head to gaze to watch her husband.

"Well look at you, I'd thought you'd live up there."

Lan Xichen narrowed his eyes showing his displeasure, he doesn't answer and kept brewing his tea. Jiang Cheng rolls her eyes and turns her gaze back to the window.

Xichen sighs softly. "A-Cheng."

"What? Why are you calling me?"


Jiang Cheng hears his footsteps near her and she practically forces herself to not look away from the window, he is sitting next to her.

"A-Cheng...look at me." She turns over "husband?"

Lan Xichen has a small smile on his face, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but kiss him her husband is pulling her over.

She is straddling him, pulling at his t-shirt eagerly.

"Baby... Wanyin..."

"Fuck me...fuck me please"

Lan Xichen's hands are roaming, she is pulling her dress off, tossing it to the side.

"Touch me..." She whispers as his bare hands are on her back, her husband is unclipping her bra.

"Baby..."Lan Xichen is leaning to kiss her.

She places a finger on his lips "don't talk, please don't...just fuck me"

The Lan springs into action, tossing the rest of his clothes away, pulling his pants to his knees.

Xichen guides her waist to his cock, she wraps her arms own him, pushing his face into her bossom.

"Oh..." She is riding him slowly, feeling the stretch and his slight throbbing inside of her.

It's good...



So good.

She holds Xichen tightly as he whimpers... it's cute.

"Baby, gently" she murmurs as his hands are guiding her at her faster speed, she knows Xichen wants this over, he hates slow sex, after all he was a Lan, and Lan's were drilled with restraint and self control since childhood.

"Wanyin..." He grabs her ass and bites her, Jiang Cheng gasped "oh! Baby..."

Her thighs are aching, she gets off of him and gets on all fours, positioning herself to face the window, she gazes at the downpour and turned her head back.

"Come here..."

Lan Xichen descends on her, his hand is gripping her waist tightly and he's rolling his hips into her.

Jiang Cheng couldn't stop her cries, she's gripping her blanket tightly, her eyes fixed on her poor reflection in the glass."Oh baby! Yes...yes! Ah~"

Xichen is relentless with his thrusts, bruises on her waist, she knows she has them

"Baby! Baby! Baby! Ohhh" and she doesn't want him to stop.

"Baby!" Jiang Cheng is whimpering, the woman is about to cum...

"Xichen!" She cums with a shout six minutes later.

Her husband releasing his seed that spreads a warmth all over her body. But Lan Xichen is insatiable whenever he gets a slow start.

They're going to be there for a long while.

He's hard again, Jiang cheng's lower half is forced up and his cock is prying her walls and she is gasping for breath.


She can hear his ragged breaths, and she wants to push him away, her hand behind her back and pressing him back by his waist.

"Fuck!" Oh she loves hearing him swear, she clenches around him and bites her blanket.

Xichen is fucking into her harder, and her minds turns blank.

Jiang Wanyin is feeling so good right now. Then a flash of lightning and a crackle of thunder.

She is cumming once more and pushes back unto him, Xichen's seed is so deep inside. Her body shivers and she curls up when he's done.

Xichen places an arm around her and smiles contently and Jiang Cheng turned her gaze back to the window as her husband pulled up the blanket.

"I love you"

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