The Boss' Favourite

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Jiang Cheng sits opposite Lan Xichen, watching him eat his steak, not being able to eat his own.

"A-Cheng, your food is getting cold" Lan Xichen spoke before putting down his fork "Alright, you have been...weird, for the past three days"

Jiang Cheng sighed and opened his purse, he slid the bag of diamonds under the table "Where did you get that?"

Lan Xichen looked down and grimaced "Where did you find that?"

The Jiang scoffed and nodded his head "I ask you again...or I'm leaving...where did you get that?"

Lan Xichen wipes his mouth with a napkin and says "A mine, in Africa, it's an illegal mine"

Jiang Cheng raised a brow, he knew that much " that...for who?"

Lan Xichen chuckled "Now, don't get ahead of yourself, you're entering uncharted waters" He held the butter knife in his hands "Are you trying to spy on me little kitty?"

Jiang Cheng leans back against the couch, he sighs as the soft fur warms his skin. "I just want to know" He stared into Lan Xichen's darkened eyes "I can't betray you, you know that."

"It's for those millionaires, they want pure uncut diamonds, sometimes pearls..." He shrugs

Jiang Cheng sighed, a memory came to him, remembering His mother's beautiful pearl necklace "I see"

Lan Xichen smirked "What? Are you resenting me now?"

"You know I can't do that" The Jiang shook his head "The club? Is it a...front for all this?"

His lover spoke "Oh no, that would be too obvious...I have...businesses"

Jiang Cheng takes a breath " sell drugs too?"

Xichen laughs and it makes a shiver run down his spine "Fuck no, you know I don't condone that, I get paid, we get paid for letting them happen in our business, they do their deals in my clubs and I get a cut of their payment for hosting them there"

Jiang Cheng frowns "What do you mean...we?"

Jiang Cheng learns that his name is on the deed to the club in Gusu so the money that he thought was his payment for being with Lan Xichen, was in fact money from the club and all the shady dealings.

The Jiang is so pissed that he packs his things and stays at Meng Yao's apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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