Jiang Cheng and his baby disciples pt1

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Jiang is not only excellent with babies and kids, but he let's his wall fall down

Prove me wrong or say trainwreck.

Jiang Cheng is in a field, covered up in a warm blanket and he is sitting beside his husband.

It's quite peaceful today, there's not much of a ruckus going on (he chooses to ignore Wei Wuixian and his troup of idiots)

Lan Xichen had to be convinced to play from his guqin (which he hadn't touched since achieving a spiritual tool but it sounds good still, screw the Lan's and their good music making hands.)

A soft chime is heard and Lan Xichen stops playing, Jiang Cheng turns his gaze to face his husband.

"It seems as though we'll be getting little guests soon" Jiang Cheng almost giggles as the expressions from calm to troubled to calm again. Lan Xichen's eyes are clouded with displeasure and to see his perfect Lan so upset is just too adorable.

Jiang Cheng is about to say something when, speak of the devil, the baby Lan's appear in his view, about ten or so.

And they all had a habit of calling him mother, He knows their names by now.

"What did you learn today a-Qin?" He asked

"We learned, we learned-"

"How to sing with spiritual energy!"! Shu finishes off a-Qin sentence.

Lan Xichen makes a sound as Li is snuggling between him and the Jiang

"I don't remember what it was though, there was this loonng thing, I don't think we really paid attention" Cao mumbles trying to grab Lan Xichen's liebing from the man's belt.

"Lan Cao, don't make me tell you to write rules."

Cao doesn't care. Just like the other nine children here want to spend time with their  favorite people.

"Would you like us to make it easier for you to remember?"

A chorus of yes please is heard followed by giggles

"A-haun...if you please" Jiang Cheng kisses his husband's cheek as the male starts strumming soft sounds of the instrument before him.

"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you count you being with?"

Ji looks up at him and smiles "1 2 3!"
a-Qin giggles.

"When you read you begin with?"

"A B C!" The children answers all together and it warms the Jiang's heart so much he couldn't help but smile.

"When you sing you begin with do re mi"

The children repeats "Do re mi"

"Do re mi, Do re mi fa so la ti-" Jiang Cheng pauses and thinks "Let's see...how to make it easier for you"

He gets an idea "Doe, a deer, a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun"

Li makes a little movement, probably getting comfortable and his twin brother Ji is beaming, the Children have their full attention to their teacher.

"Me, a name I call myself, Far, a long long way run!"

The children burst out in giggles.

"Sow, a needle pulling thread...La, note to follow Sow"

The children laughed loudly and it catches the attention of the junior disciples. Lan Wangji and his whole band of idiots, he can see them hiding poorly in the bamboo patch

So nosy.

"Tea, a drink with Jam and bread and it brings us back to doe"

a-Qin points over to Wei Wuixian and squeals "doe!" The children are laughing again and Jiang Cheng stiffles his

"A deer, a female deer"

Lan Cao claps "Ray!"

"A drop of golden sun!"

Lan Su  points at himself "me!"

"A name I call myself, Far, a long long way to run!"

The children sings "Sow a needle pulling thread! La?"

Jiang Cheng smiles reminding them " a note to follow Sow, tea?"

"A drink with Jam and bread!"

Jiang Cheng pokes Li's nose as he sings it shyly

The children sings the song softly and with giggles.

Jiang Cheng chuckles softly  "and it all brings back doe! Do re mi fa so la TI do" he claps his hands "so do!"

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