Lotus Pier has changed, so has their Sect Leader pt1

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"m-move... You can move" his breath hitches and the boy keeps his lover still. "A-Cheng...I might hurt you..." Xichen gasped slightly as he shifted slightly "it's going to hurt anyway. Just...get it over with!"

Lan Xichen listens to his A-Cheng, choosing to go deaf to his thoughts, the body under him trembles and moans of mixed pleasure easily slides out of his mouth. Xichen wants to kiss him.

"Ahn! Don't stop please!" The Lan nibbles his lovers neck and whispers sweet, loving words, not knowing this would be the first and last time he'd ever hold the man like this.

Wei Wuixian believes that fate brought him to Lotus Pier, however, Yunmeng to him seemed... quiet, no stalls were open, the inns were shut closed. He feels as though he should investigate.

Is Jiang Cheng... missing or something?

Lan Wangji seemed to think the same thing, because he said they'd check Lotus Pier first. Wei Wuixian knocked on the wooden door "hello? Anyone out here?"

The doors open slightly to allow a Yunmeng disciple to come out "oh, Hanguan-jun, Wei Wuixian." He greats quite surprised.

"Is something going on in Yunmeng?" Lan Wangji, straight to business as always.

"No, everything is fine, it's just a Saturday... Sect Leader and young master cooks on the Saturdays. Everyone is in Lotus Pier having a meal"

"Jiang Cheng? Young master? Cook?"

" It's a... Yunmeng thing...you need not understand Wei gongzi"

"but-" the doors open again and a male walks out carrying a paper umbrella for, Jin Ling, a young child is being held by...is that "Jiang Cheng?!"

The sect leader narrows his eyes in distaste, Wei Wuixian brushes it off and rushes to him only to get three swords pointed at him. Hanguan-jun draws his as well, narrowing his eyes.

"Forgive us Hanguan-jun, Wei gongzi, but we don't take so kindly to people trying to get into close contact with our Sect leader."

Wei Wuixian is stumped, he takes a step back and lowers his arms, Jin Ling frowns "what on earth are you doing here?"

"Jin Ling... Take A-Yu inside" Jiang Cheng speaks about to pass the sleeping child to his nephew, but the male holding the little umbrella took him.

"I'll take him in, A-Cheng" the other male nods and motions for the Jin to follow him.

Now that everything was settled the Jiang scowls "What are you doing here, Wei Gongzi?"

"J-Jiang Cheng..." The male is surprised by the cold greeting he receives from his former Shixiong. "I was just passing through"

"With all due respect, Wei gongzi, Lotus Pier isn't a place for you to pass through. My Sect leader has already returned your things to Cloud Recesses... There's nothing here for you to pass through for" a random disciple speaks up and Hanguan-jun is quick to reply but Jiang Cheng cuts him off.

" My disciple is right, you can roam Yunmeng, but Lotus Pier is my home... I don't like surprise visits, you of all people should know this Hanguan-jun, a letter of entry would be nice. Nevertheless, you are here. So, you may enter. " After saying this, the Jiang leaves the two men at the entrance.

He has headed for the market, three disciples follow after him and the doors to Lotus Pier opens.

Wei Wuixian has never seen it so full, so colorful, so... crowded... children are running around playing in the courtyard, disciples are sitting and eating... Oh... Lotus rib soup...

There's a child dishing out the soup,in the middle of it all, he has a stoic face but he looks so happy. The child looks so much like Jiang Cheng, except... He has golden eyes, as bright as- wait.

Stoic expressions.

Gold eyes.

Looks like a grace an poise.

"Lan Zhan, did you... Did you sleep with my shixiong?" He earns an elbow from his husband who looks displeased. Wei Wuixian would've laughed but he has to investigate. He gets in the line for soup followed by his husband. When it was his turn, the smell brought tears to his eyes.

"Mister? Mister are you okay? Does it smell too spicy?" That tiny voice brings him back "oh... Just thinking about how yummy it smells"

The child brightens up "my mama helped me make this batch!"

"Your mother?"

"Yes! Everybody knows my mama! Wait... I haven't seen you before...or the mister behind you" the child gives a suspicious look. "You're not here to take my mama...are you?"

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