I'm gonna be honest

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J: *frowning while thinking*

Turtles, Athena and Violet: *enter the living room*

V: Hi mom!

J: Mm? Oh, hi! How is it going?

A: We're good, but... Are you okay, mom?

J: Why the question?

A: It's just... You're making that face again...

J: ... Oh... I see...

M: Uh, I feel like I missed something here. What's going on? And what face are you talking about? J seems fine.

A: It's just that whenever she's thinking too hard and can't get anywhere she makes that frowning expression. Also, the bags under her eyes are bigger which means she's been staying up until late doing something.

*Violet sits down on the couch and lays her head on J's lap*

V: What's wrong, mom? You've been making that face almost everyday by now. Tell us what's wrong? Please?

J: *chuckles softly while petting Violet's head* You two know me all too well.

V: Of course! We are your OCs!

L: Not to offend any of you, but you can count on us too, J.

M: Yeah, dudette. We're all here for you.

J: *sighs* Alright, I'll say it... *takes in deep breath* I've ran out of ideas for this book.

Everyone else: WHAT?!!

R: Hold on, you really mean it? You, who usually has the craziest ideas ever, ran out of ideas?!

J: *nods* That's why I'm usually making this face whenever I have any free moments. I'm trying to think of new chapters, but... I just can't get anywhere.

D: So... What does that actually mean?

J: *shrugs* I guess it means that until I'm able to write more chapters, I'll only be writing requests. That is if I have any. It's been a good while since I've got the last request.

*Violet gets off the couch*

V: Alright, people! You heard her! Whatever requests you have, SEND THEM OVER!!

M: Yeah! Send requests! Send requests!

M/V: Send requests! Send requests! Sends requests! Send requests! Send requests!

J: Ay, ay, ay, Violet... *slaps forehead*

A: *chuckles* You know she's doing that to help you, right, mom?

J: I know, sweety. *hugs Athena* And I'm really grateful for that.

L: *smiles before turning to readers* Well, you heard the lady. Whatever type of requests you have, please, send them over.

R: Wait, does that mean lemons count?

*everyone gets silent and stares at Raph*

R: What? You already wrote that chapter where things got hot between Leo x Reader because Reader got drunk. Plus, it was a serious question! What if your readers have requests, but they haven't sent you anything because they don't know if you write this sort of stuff?


R: I think you guys can take it as a yes--

Everyone, but Raph and Mikey: RAPH!!!

R: What now?! Just answer them!

J: Not in front of the kids!

R: Athena and Violet aren't kids, y'know-- *J hits a pressure point on Raph's neck* Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

J: You got my point, right?

R: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it! I'm sorry!

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now