Cheshmâtun Ghashang Mibine (REQUEST)

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#A.N.: Hi y'all! This was a request made by Ashywitch and this one is for you Persians 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
Hope I got it right and hope y'all like it!

Leo's POV

"So remind me again why you need my help?" Donnie askes.

"Look, I need help with Y/n. She's been acting really weird lately." I say.

I just came back to the lair after spending some time with my friend Y/n at her place. It was the third time she invited me over just this week and things just get weirder and weirder.

"How so?"

"She keeps insisting that I eat some food or drink some chai even though I'm full. I'm trying to be polite, but it feels like she's pushing a bit too much."

"Hang on, ain't she Persian?"

"Why is that important?"

"Just answer the question, Leo."

"I mean, I know she's Iranian, but I'm not quite sure she's Persian."

"I see..." He trails off as he turns to his computer and start typing the keyboard furiously.

I blink in confusion. Did he actually hear me? "Uh... Donnie?"


"... You haven't answered my question."

"Why does it matter?"


I take in a deep breath in order to calm myself. "Where Y/n's from."

"Oh, that. Well, if she is Persian, than that explains her behavior lately."


"Yeah. You see, Persians have this habit called 'Taarof'. I confess I don't know how to pronounce it correctly, but it basically is a form of etiquette. It usually happens between two people and it's a back-and-forth kind of thing. Here! See?"

He opens a page on the internet that explains this Taarof thing and I read it.

~used when giving and receiving gifts, food, money, and more~

~proper use can amaze a Persian audience at best and offend at worst~

~politeness holds the place of honor~

I frown. "So... It's a form of how to treat others? And it goes both ways?"

"Seems like it. Sure, it's hard to tell since we never experienced it, but this might be the reason why Y/n is acting like that. She's just trying to be polite in her own way."

"And... Refusing it may offend her?" I ask a bit worried. I have been too harsh earlier.


"But why don't you stay longer? I can make some more chai if you'd like--"

"Y/n are you deaf? I said I don't want more. I'm full! If I have something else I'll probably explode. What's up with you anyway? You weren't like that when we met."

"I-I just want to make you feel comfortable, so I--"

"So stop it. You're being weird and pushy and I don't like it."

-End of Flashback-

"Depends on how you refused it. Why?"

I clench my teeth as I recall what I did earlier. Fact, I even facepalm myself.

"Gosh, I'm such an idiot." I mumble.

"So... What are you going to do now?"

"I have to apologize to her right now. Tell Sensei I'll be back home later."

"Okay. Good luck."

"Thanks, D!"

I rush back to her house. I have to make things right, Y/n didn't do anything wrong.


Your POV

You frown as you put all the dishes away, your mind wandering off to what Leo told you earlier.

"*Sighs* Damn it... I shouldn't have acted like that. I just wanted to retribute the favor. Leo's always been so kind to me, I wanted to show gratitude, and not..."

You trail off as a single tear escapes your eyes. Ever since you moved to New York with your parents years ago, you always had trouble making new friends, and Leo was the first actual friend you've ever had. You cherished that friendship, more than anything else. And now... You ruined it...

Just then you hear a knock on your window. You turn to it and only see Leo with a sad expression.

Your eyes widen at his face and you rush to the window, not even thinking twice before opening it.

"Leo? What are you doing here?"

"Y/n, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you earlier. It wasn't right of me."

"No, I should be the one apologizing. I should've thought that I could be crowding you a bit too much."

"Yeah, but I should've realized that it was something you would do."

"What do you mean?"

He bites his cheek, as if he's debating about something in his mind.

But, after a bit, he ends up smiling at you.

"You've always been so kind to me. Despite me being a mutant."

You blink in surprise but smile at him as well.

"Well, you've always been so kind to me too. You saved me when I was in danger, you were really brave."

"And you always listened to me whenever I needed someone by my side. You are a true friend."

You smile like an idiot. But something popped in the back of your mind.

"Wait... Are you... Taarofing?"

He shrugs. "I'm only trying to retribute your kindness."

Your eyes widen for a second before closing as you laugh. Once you are done, you turn to him.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Oh, you are very kind, but I'm afraid I'll have to refuse."

"Please, I insist."

"No, I insist."

"It doesn't have to be chai if you don't want it. I do believe we have other teas in the house."

"Well... Thinking a bit better chai does sound lovely. Sorry to bother you."

"*Giggles* It's nothing."

You step back and let him come in. Once he's back in your room, you tell him to sit on your bed before heading to the kitchen.

But before you can do so, he grabs you by your arm and smiles at you once your eyes meet his.

"I meant it, though. Sorry for being so rude to you earlier. I still feel like I owe you a better apology."

"You don't owe me anything, Leo. Don't worry about it."

He smiles before looking to the side and scratches the back of his neck. "Also... I forgot to tell you earlier, but... Y-You look... Really pretty today."

You blink in surprise before smiling. "Cheshmâtun ghashang mibine."

He frowns. "What does that mean?"

"It means: 'your eyes see beautifully'." You say before leaving the room, but you can still hear Leo mumble something.

"So do yours."

You smile as you head to your kitchen. Your friendship just got stronger. And that makes you cherish it even more.

#A.N.: Sorry for the delay, folks. Had to take care of a little personal issue last week. Anywho, hope y'all liked this one-shot. See y'all next week.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now