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#A.N: I hope y'all don't get mad at me, I just want to try to give this one a try. Also I just love the Fast & Furious movies

Your POV

You are so excited! You finally took your driver's license and you can't wait to show your friends. Especially the turtles. Raph and Mikey have been bothering you about it for months, almost a year by now. But now that you have your driver's license, you can finally make them shut up for a change.

Anyways, you are heading to the lair with three boxes of pizza. Usually two would do just fine, but since it's a celebration and you were planning on staying in the lair for the weekend one extra pizza couldn't harm anyone, could it?

When you get to the manhole cover, you struggle to open it. Okay, maybe you should've called Casey or April to help you out, but since they're already in the lair there's no going back now.

Just then, the cover is open and you smile when you realize who it is.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" Leo says as he smiles. "Need some help?"

"Hi, Leo! Sure, I could use the help." You say as you hand him the pizzas and get down the ladder. Once your feet meet the concrete you turn to Leo smiling. "Thanks for the help."

"*Chuckles* You're welcome. But um... Why the three pizzas?"

You smirk as you take the pizzas from his hands. "You won't know until we get to the lair with everyone around."

"Oh, that sounds like you've got some big news and the pizzas are to celebrate."

"*Giggles* You know me soooooooo well. Why do I still try to hide anything from you?"

"*Chuckles* I have no idea. Come on, let's go before the pizzas gets cold."

You laugh and follow him to the lair. When you get there you holler everyone to get in the living room. "Y/n, what is all of this about?" Master Splinter askes as he raises and eyebrow. You set the pizzas down just for safety before turning to the others. "Well..." You trail off.

"Well?" Raph askes already annoyed. Then you take it from your pocket and shows everyone. "I got my driver's license!"

They all started shouting and cheering really loud. And Mikey tackled you into a hug. "THAT'S SO AWESOME!! Does that mean you'll drive the truck?"

"Whoa, wait a second there, Mikey! If I'm caught driving the truck I'm gonna be in big trouble!"


"Because of the category of my driving license."

"What does one thing has to do with the other?"

"*Chuckles* Let's just say she can't drive the truck, okay?" Donnie says.

"Well, I don't get why, dude. But okay."

You sigh in relief.

"Either way, this is something worth celebrating." Splinter says.

"Wait, does that mean...?"

"No patrol. Tonight, we celebrate."

"WOOHOO!! SLUMBER PARTY!" Mikey yells before attacking the pizzas and having Raph holding him back so he doesn't eat everything.

"Wait, will you stay over, Y/n?" Leo askes.

"Only if you don't mind." You shrug.

"As if. You know that you are more than welcome here."

"Thank you, Leo."

He smiles at you before gesturing over the three brothers that are wrestling on the ground to see who gets the first slice, while Master Splinter shakes his head.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now