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J: *Yawns* Boy am I sleepy. *Gets a water bottle and drinks some* Let me get a quick check on Wattpad. *Opens Wattpad* What the...

 *Opens Wattpad* What the

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J: *Widens eyes* O... M... G... *Passes out in the middle of the kitchen*

*Enters mutant Siberian Husky with half black-half purple hair*

???: What was that sound? Ma, are you ok-- *Sees me on the floor* Ma! Oh, no.

*Turtles get in the kitchen*

Donnie: Is something wrong?

???: Guys! Hurry! Ma passed out!

Leo: She what?! *Sees me on the floor and gets by my side*

Donnie: Oh dear.

Raph: Why the hell would she pass out?

Mikey: *Grabs my phone and reads it* Uh, guys... I guess this is why. *Shows your phone to everyone*

Donnie: What?!

Raph: Hah! Took long enough.

Leo: Raph!

Raph: What?

Mikey: Alright, baby! This askes for a celebration! Dinner is on me!

???: Um, guys? *Points at readers* We've got company.

Donnie: What the-- *Sees readers* Oh, hey everyone.

Mikey: *Sees readers* Hey, dudes and dudettes! Thanks for reading and voting!

Raph: Yeah, and for making J pass out.

Leo: *Nudges Raph with elbow* Raph! *Turns to readers* Sorry about this, everyone. Like Mikey said, thanks for reading and voting so far.

???: Yeah. And I'm pretty sure Ma will be open to requests until the end of the year.

J: *Groans as sits up* What happened?

Leo: *Turns to me* J! You okay? You had us worried for a sec.

J: Yeah, I'm good. I just-- *Sees readers* Oh... Wait... *Turns to Husky* Violet! You're not supposed to be here!

???: But I came to help you, Ma. *Ears drop*

J: Aw, I'm sorry. *Pets her on the head* But remember what I said? No seeing Ma's readers until she's done with you.

Raph: Ya sure are takin' a long time to get that thing done, J. No wonder Violet got crazy.

J: Yeah, I know. I'll try to finish it as soon as possible.

???: You promise?

J: I promise. Anyways *Turns to readers* Thank you so much, guys. I'm really happy this book is good enough to reach 1k. I mean, sure, we can get to the 2, 3k mark (maybe) but let's take it a step at a time. I just want y'all to enjoy it. That's all for now. See ya next chapter.

???: See ya! Thanks for making Ma happy!

Mikey: Give J some ideas! I saw her fuming the other day trying to write something!

Donnie: *Chuckles* Till next chapter, guys. Though I'm not so sure the rest of us will show up.

J: *Shrugs* Dunno. If they want you, all they gotta do is say it and I'll see what I can do.

Raph: See ya 'round, nerds.

All: RAPH!!

J: Are you trying to offend my readers?

Raph: Nah, just tease them. I still remember last time I tried to mess around with you like that. *Rubs head*

Mikey: *Laughs* Now you know how much frying pans can be powerful in the right hands.

Raph: They should be for cookin' not hittin'!

Leo: *Chuckles and turns back to readers* Bye everyone. Keep enjoying the book. *Winks*

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now