Vigilante Crush

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Your POV

"*Sigh* Another boring night. I deserve it." You say as you get up from your position in the rooftop. You are a sort of vigilante ever since you were a kid. But you never got yourself into serious fights back then, you only watched over weaker people and stood up for them. But as you got older and are now 19, you became one since you've grown up bigger than before and you've also been taking self defense classes in different places - your parents moved a lot before you left home for college and settled down - ever since you were 13. So now, if you had to fight, you would.

But you wouldn't do anything crazy. You only kept yourself to your neighborhood. The people called you 'Guardian Angel'. You've showed up on the news once. Of course no one knew it was you. You wore a full black outfit and a mask to cover your face but your eyes and forehead. Anyways, tonight you weren't feeling that much like fighting thugs anyways. You had more interesting plans in mind.

Around three nights ago, you were patrolling your area when you heard fighting nearby. You went to see what it was, but you only found the bad guys beated up. As you looked to the rooftops you had a glimpse of what looked like a shell with swords attatched to it. You wanted to know what it was so much that you've been looking for it through the entire city, and yet nothing.

"*Sigh* Guess I won't find what it was tonight either."

... Or so you thought.

Out of nowhere, you heard shouts, like some people were having a serious argue. Curious, you went to the place where it was coming from and when you got there, your eyes widened. It was the same shell you saw three nights before. And that wasn't all.

There were three more just like it. You analyzed them. They looked like humanoid turtles, each one with a different mask color. You soon related their masked colors to their weapons. The one with a red mask had a pair of sais attatched to his belt. The purple masked one had a bo staff. The orange masked one had a pair of nunchucks. Last but not least, the first one you saw with the swords - tha now you acknowledged as katana swords - had a blue mask.

You stood hidden as you saw the scene of the red masked turtle arguing with the blue masked one.

"Why won't you just do what I tell you to?! Seriously, Raph, you're going to put this family in danger if you don't listen to me for a change or control your temper!"

"Well, sorry, oh great and mighty Leonardo, but every time I don't follow your orders, we end up winning! Ain't that enough reason for you to stop getting on my foot?!"

(So the red masked one is Raphael and the blue masked one is Leonardo. I wonder who are the other two... Also he said family. I take it they're brothers.)

"Just because you end up winnning doesn't mean you don't put everyone else in danger!"

"So what should we do? Huh?! Stay in the shadows while we wait for the perfect time and only attack when whatever damage it is has already been done?!"

"When did I ever say that?!"

"Never, but you don't need to!"

"Well, it seems like I do! After all, you still take me for granted!"

"Dude... Won't they ever stop?" The orange masked one said.

"Guess not. As long as they have a reason to fight, they'll keep doing so." The purple masked one replied.

"Like over those guys we beated on that vigilante girl's turf?"

Your eyes widened. (They know me? Well, who wouldn't? After all, even that O'Neil reporter from Channel 6 has been bothering everyone back home over me.)

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now