Rainy Days (REQUEST)

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#A.N.: Heya! This one-shot is a request made by raphaelssais
Hope y'all like it
P.S.: for y'all who are wondering, yes, I still am doing requests, so if you got one, feel free to ask 😉

Your POV

You let out a sigh as you see the rain fall on New York City. It's calm and quiet for now, and it seemed like it would last the whole night. You checked the weather report and it said that there would be a heavy storm later tonight.

Not that you mind it, you like this weather because you can use your favorite pair of fuzzy socks, light up your fire place, and bake something, all in order to warm up your place. But it still feels like something is missing.

Just then you hear a knock on your window. You go to it and you open a huge smile as you see your boyfriend through it.

"Leo!" You exclaim in delight before opening the window and letting him in.

As he's stepping inside your place, you go grab a dry towel. Once with it, you walk back to him and place it over his head. "Did you have patrol tonight?"

"Yeah. Didn't catch many bad guys, though. Guess they were all afraid of a little rain."

You both turn to your now closed window as the raindrops become louder against the glass.

"Not so little anymore, huh?"

"Glad I could make it here before that." He cups your cheeks and kisses you tenderly. "I missed you."

You smile. "I missed you too." You reply as you hug him lightly in order not to get yourself that wet. "Dry up, I'll make some tea." You say as you pull back.

He grabs the towel and starts drying himself up. "Actually, can we have some hot cocoa tonight? I've been craving it lately."

"*Giggles* You really liked that one I made you, didn't you?"

"*Chuckles* Can you blame me?"

You laugh at his comment and head to the kitchen.

As you're making the hot beverage, you suddenly feel a pair of arms hugging you from behind. "Oh, you made cookies. Wait, they look different than the ones you usually make. Did you try a new recipe?"


"Can I have one?"

"Be my guest."

"Thanks." He grabs one and eats it quite quickly before leaning his head on your shoulder. "This one's good. You should bake another batch."

You slightly turn to him. "Why? Are you planning on eating everything?"

He pulls back and stares at your eyes with a serious expression before grinning and nodding a few times.

You laugh at his behavior and shake your head, his laughter joining yours soon after.

"Okay, I'll make another batch. But only if you help me."

"Deal. Wanna get started now?" He says as he starts to pull his arms off of you, but he stops as you turn to him with a mug on each hand.

"Maybe later."

He takes one of the mugs from your hands and raises an eyebrow in order to tease you. "Cuddles first?"

You nod without a hint of hesitation. "Cuddles first."

He chuckles and cups you cheek with his free hand before kissing your forehead. You close your eyes and take it in. Touch is your love language, so you always enjoy whenever he's so close to you, hugging you and kissing you sweetly. It makes you feel loved, cherished and safe.

Surprisingly, touch is Leo's love language too. Sure, he has others like quality time and words of affirmation, but every now and then he'd be just like you. He wouldn't need sweet words or actions, just being in the same room as you with you hugging him or simply holding his hand would be more than enough for him.

After a few seconds more, he pulls back and smiles at you. "Anything for you."

You giggle as he wraps his arm around your shoulder as the two of you head towards the couch.

Once there, you drink your hot cocoas while snuggling up to each other, his head laying on yours while his arm keeps you close. No words are exchanged, since no words are needed. You know he loves you and he knows you love him.

Rainy days are simply the best. Mainly if you can spend them with Leo.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now