Working It Out (REQUEST)

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#A.N.: Heya! As requested by drdelicatetouchh , here is part 2 of "Oooh, Boy"
Hope y'all like it!
P.S.: Just to remember, this is a LeoxMale Reader, okay?

Leo's POV

(Okay, just chill, all right? Just try to act normal.) I think as I'm taking deep breaths. I'm training alongside my brothers and Y/n. And right now Master Splinter wants me to spar with Y/n.

Things after that talk with April are... Okay, I guess. I'm still trying to figure out my feelings for Y/n and if he has any feelings towards me. Also, I've been trying not to make things weird between us, but that gets a little complicated sometimes.

Still, I shake my head before looking at Y/n. Today's training is bare-handed, so he has his fists up.

(Damn, he looks hot-- STOP IT!! Focus! This is not the time to think about that kind of thing!)

I shake my head again.

"Hey, you okay, Leo?" I hear him say.

"Huh?" I look up and my eyes widen a bit as I see his worried expression.

"It's just... You're not acting like yourself. It's not like you to have such a hard time concentrating on a spar session."

"Oh... Uh... Y-You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Yep! All good."

Then, he shrugs. "Well, if you're saying so... Heads up!" He shouts before kicking me right at my head.

"Whoa!" I managed to dodge it, but by a little. When I'm up again, I look at Y/n and he's smirking.

"Come on, fearless. You can do better than that, can't you?"

"Oh, I'll show you." I say as I smirk and raise my fists.

I take another deep breath. (Just relax. You've sparred with him before and that's what this is. Just another sparring session.)


"Boy, am I hungry. Can we order some pizza?" Mikey says as he's walking out of the dojo.

"Don't we still have some leftovers?" Donnie askes.

"You thing they'll last long against Mikey's hunger?" Raph askes and they all laugh.

Then, Y/n turns to me. "You coming, Leo?"

"Nah, I think I'll meditate for a bit. I'll catch up with you later." I reply.

"Okay. Have fun."

"You too. Save a slice for me, okay?"

"I'll try my best."

I chuckle before sitting cross-legged on the floor. I close my eyes and take deep breaths as I start to meditate. Or rather, I try to.

Your POV

(Is he really okay?) You ponder.

Leo has been acting less weird around you, but you feel like he's hiding something. But how can you touch the subject without being awkward?

"Wait a sec, maybe I can call her."

"Call who?" Mikey askes as he's eating down the leftovers from the other night.

"April. I wanna ask her some stuff."

"Can you ask her to bring more pizza?"

You chuckle at his question before nodding, his eyes shining in happiness with your answer.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now