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#A.N.: Okay, okay, this one is more personal since I've been getting into games since the quarantine started, so... *Nervous chuckle* I hope you don't mind..... *Hides behind notebook*

Leo's POV

"I can't believe you pulled me into this." I say as I sit on the counter with my brothers. Donnie got us all notebooks a long time ago and none of us never really used it, only Mikey to play some videogames. Speaking of that, Mikey and Raph found this game a while ago and started playing it. Soon enough, Donnie was into it too. And before I knew it, they convinced me to join them. They said that they need to form a group of five players, and since they've made a friend online, only I was left to close the party. So after weeks of annoyance, I finally decide to give it a go. "Don't worry, dude. I bet you'll love it." Mikey says as he gets his earphones. Yep, Donnie got us earphones too, those ones with microphones. Just Donnie and Mikey that had headphones. I put them on and start doing what they tell me to do. Create an account, download the game, join their party and play a few rounds to get to know how the game works. Soon enough, someone gets in and Mikey suddenly starts speaking before I can read the username of the fifth player. "Hey, dudette! What's up? Hang on, let me put the others in the call too." He starts a call with all of us in this website named Discord where they had me making an account too. "Hey, Y/n. How are you doing?" Donnie askes. "Yeah, it took ya longer than usual to get online." Raph comments. "Sorry, guys. I was finishing a homework that was due today and I spent the entire afternoon doing it. But thank God I already finished it and sent it." I hear a girl speaking. For some reason, her voice made my heart skip the beat for a second. But I'm pulled off my trance with her next words. "Hey, who's the new guy? Your brother? As in that one who you were trying to convince to play with us?"

"Himself." Raph said in a sarcastic tone as he stared at me and I only rolled my eyes. "So, it's Leonardo, right? Mind if I call you Leo?" She askes. "Not at all. And you're... Y/n, correct?"

"Yep. It's nice to meet you, Leo." I smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Y/n."

"Soooo, who's ready to kick some butts?" Raph says. "Me!" Mikey shouts and Y/n laughs. "Mikey..." She whines. "Oops, sorry. Forgot you're with your headphones."

"Us too, genius." Raph says. I chuckle and we all enter the game. (Well, let's see how this goes.)


It's been a few weeks since I started to play with the guys and Y/n, and I have to admit, it's really fun, way more than I thought it would be, and she's really good. Her aim still needs working, but she has great sense of game and her strategies are pretty good too. We make a good team, and we always have a blast. Even when we lose, which happens quite often. Still, I take some time to play with Y/n, just the two of us and take that chance to get to know her better. "So you've been living by yourself since you were thirteen? That's really impressive. How did you manage to get money to pay the bills?"

"Well, for a long time I was a babysitter and since I rented a room, not a full apartment, it was enough. School wasn't so easy though, I had to study a lot to get a scholarship-- Behind you!" I quickly turn my avatar and get the enemy player. "Nice one. Anyways, once I became 16 I started to work on a restaurant and I alterned between being a waitress and working on the cash register. It was kinda hard since I had no one close and still had to pay for my school and where I was living at, not to mention studying, but I managed. Now I have my own little apartment. It ain't much, but it's better than sharing the place with strangers."

"You didn't have any problems with that? I mean, people trying to steal your things and stuff-- On your left!"

"Got it!"

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend Scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن