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#A.N.: We all already passed through the experience of having to watch over little ones. Whether they were your younger siblings, cousins, or even nephews and nieces, we all had to take care of them at least once in our life. And let's be honest, it can be really tiring, not to mention annoying sometimes. But what if you had your favorite turtle by your side helping you out? Might be a lot easier and a lot more fun. Plus, we all know kids have no filter.
P.S: Does anyone remember Chloe?


"Shh... Shhh... Come on, sweetie, don't cry." You say as you try to calm down the baby in your hands. To make things worse, there's an older one tugging your shirt.

"Aunt Y/n. Please, play with me."

"In a minute, sweetheart. I need to put your brother/sister to sleep first."

The little boy/girl pout while frowning and stomps outside the youngest one's room. You sigh and roll your eyes.

Just then, you hear someone knocking on the window. You head to it and manage to open the curtains with some effort. You see your boyfriend Leo and he smiles. You gesture him to get in and he does, smile still there. But when he sees the baby in your arms, his smile drops. "Uhh, Y/n? Who's baby is this?"

You can't help but laugh a little. "He's/She's the son/daughter of a friend of my mom. I'm babysitting him/her, and his/her brother/sister."

"Oh, I see. He's/She's cute."

You look down at the baby and see him/her staring at Leo. You giggle. "Guess he/she likes you."

"*Nervous laugh* I don't know where that came from." He says, but you give him the baby. "Uhh, Y/n? W-What are you doing?"

"Just hold him/her a little." You encourage him and he ends up picking up the baby a bit hesitantly, yet firmly and gently to make sure he/she would be okay. Then, the baby opens and closes his/her hand and when Leo gets his hand closer and it grabs his finger, he/she smiles at him. "Aw. See? I told you he/she liked you."

"Well, I guess so."

Just then...

"Aunt Y/n?" You hear and you turn around to see the little boy/girl staring at Leo.

"Hey, buddy/girl. What'cha need?" You ask the kid.

"Who is that and why is he holding my brother/sister?"

"Well, this is my boyfriend, Leo. Don't worry, he won't hurt your little brother/sister."

The kid walks up to you and askes for you to pick him/her up. When you do so, he/she sees the baby still smiling at Leo and turns to him. "He/She likes you."

"Yeah, I think so. You okay with me now?" Leo askes.

He/She holds his/her chin while getting into deep thought. Soon enough, he/she beams at Leo. "Will you play with me?"

He turns to you looking for advice and you only nod. "I guess we can share the tasks."

He smiles and nods to the kid. "Sure."

He/She jumps off your arms and grabs Leo's hand after he gave you the baby. You can't help but smile. Leo has always been so kind and caring. "He'd make a good father..." You mumble and you feel your cheeks burn as you realize what you had just said. But you still smile.

#A.N.: Sorry it's short, but I honestly ran out of ideas of what to write in this one. Hope you still enjoyed it.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now