Oooh, Boy (REQUEST)

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#A.N.: What's up, y'all? This is a request made by drdelicatetouchh and I hope y'all like it.
#P.S.: Bear with me in this one guys, this is my first time writing a Leo X Male Reader one-shot.

Your POV

"*Sighs* I hope everything goes well today." You say as you walk towards your friends' place. You met them a few months ago when a group of thugs tried to rob you and your friend.

Even though you only got a glimpse of them that night, you still bumped into one of them while he was skating.

They are all mutant turtles, but you don't mind. They've been nothing but kind to you, it'd be rude to treat them differently just because of what they look like.

Anyways, you frown a bit. Leonardo, which was your closest friend out of them so far, suddenly started to avoid you and you have no idea why.

Leo's POV

"Okay, Leo. Just... Try to play it cool. You haven't spoken to Y/n in days, so obviously he noticed it. I just hope he doesn't think I'm avoiding him." I mumble as I walk back and forth in my room.

I'm just so confused. I just started feeling all weird whenever I'm near him.

Just then, I hear a knock on the door. I turn to it and open it only to see April.

"Oh, hey April. Didn't know you'd be stopping by."

"Uh, yeah. We agreed that this weekend would be movies weekend, remember? I mean, Mikey invited me, Casey and Y/n over and you and the others agreed since Splinter gave permission."

I blink in surprise. "Oh... Guess I forgot about that... Heh."

"Uh-huh... Are you okay, Leo? You've been acting weird these last few days."

"You noticed?"

"Kind of hard not to. Come on, what is it?"

"I... I don't know. I just... Feel weird for some reason. And I have no idea why. I mean, I think I do, but I'm not sure that I even want to know if I'm right or not." I start rambling as I go back and forth again.

"Do you... Want to talk about it?"

"Huh? Talk about what?"

"You being all weird like that. Come on, even Y/n is worried sick."

I stop and turn to her. "Wait, what?"

"I mean, you do realize that you've been kind of avoiding him for a couple of weeks by now. Did something happen between you two?"

I let out a groan and sit down on my bed.

"Hey... You okay, Leo?"

"*Sighs* I have no idea. I just... Feel weird, you know? Mainly whenever Y/n is around. I got this weird feeling on my chest, like it's all tight and I have no clue if I'm more uncomfortable having him near me or away from me. I'm just... So confused."

I feel someone sitting by my side and I turned around to see April looking at me with a little smile on her face.

"So let me get this straight. You feel weird whenever Y/n is around and you want to have him close to you but that makes you uncomfortable, right?"

"Something like that I guess."

"And you're also worried about him being all worried about you and you don't want him to worry about you but you don't know how to say it, right?"

"Yep... Do you have any idea of what this is? I'm kind of embarrassed to go and ask Donnie because it could be weird, but--"

"Relax, it's not. It's just... Unexpected."

"... What is unexpected?"

"You having a crush on Y/n."

I frown and get up. "What?"

"Well, based on all you've told me and how you've been acting around Y/n, it does make sense that you'd have a crush on him."

I try to process it. Do I really have a crush on him?

"... No... No, no, no, no, no. That can't be right. I mean, I'm not-- I can't be... Can I?"

"Well, have you ever had a crush on a girl before?"

"... Not really... But I also never had a crush on a guy before either."

"Okay, that explains the confusion, but not your denial. Look, call it what you want or don't even say it out loud. But being gay just means you like someone who's the same gender as you. It doesn't change who you are if that's what you're worried about."

"Okay, but... What will the others say? What will Master Splinter say?"

"I'm pretty sure they're gonna be happy for you because you are happy."

"And what about Y/n? Is he even into guys too?"

She shrugs and gets up. "Guess you'll have to ask him yourself." She says and she starts to leave.

"Wait." I say as I hold her arm making her turn to me. "C-Could you... Do it for me? I mean... I'm not sure if I..."

She rolls her eyes and smirks. "All right. I'll do it. But only if you quit being a wuss and go apologize for avoiding him for all this time."


She gets out of my room and I follow her, but I stop short on my tracks as I spot Y/n in the living room.

He waves at me and I wave back. I turn to April and she winks at me before turning to Mikey as he showed up with a bowl of popcorn.

I take in a deep breath and turn to Y/n. "Hey, uh... You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a tad worried about you."

"Yeah, I know. Look, I'm sorry for avoiding you all those weeks. I just... I just needed to sort some things out. And my mind was so foggy I couldn't think clearly."

"Well, if you wanted some alone time you could've just said it."

"My bad. Guess I didn't know how. Sorry about that."

"Well... Have you sorted those things that were bothering you out?"

"Not really, but... I know how to start."

"Then I guess I can forgive you after beating you up in our next sparring session."

"Oh, bring it on."

He laughs and turns to Mikey, Casey and April who are having a fight over the popcorn bowl. "Hey, leave some for the rest of us!" He shouts before jumping in and joining the brawl.

I laugh at the scene. Maybe April is right. Me liking Y/n doesn't change anything. At least I hope it won't.

But I'm not going to try and find that out now. I'll just try to get a bit more confident about these feelings first.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now