You ARE Beautiful

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#A.N.: Soooooo this one is a tad different. It's just, I answered to a comment from @VeemoKirby in another LeoxReader book, and I ended up having a conversation with her and @Gachagabbygaming about what others think of us, what they think about our bodies doesn't matter. And it's not about "looking good, feeling good". It's about "feeling good, looking good". That's why I wanted to write this chapter and got into it. (It's 1AM while I'm writing this and I'm with an annoying headache but wtv) ALSO you'll all have glasses. Hope y'all don't mind 👓👓😜

Your POV

You walk around the streets of New York with your hands in the pockets of your hoodie with your friend April. You can't help but to look at the other girls om the street. They are all so beautiful wearing skirts, tank tops, pants, crop tops, jackets, high heels, boots, make up. While you can't help but to feel ugly. You always wore hoodies to hide your curves because you were too insecure to show your curves,and when someone looked at them PE class, you'd feel like you were being harassed. And the fact that the most popular girls made fun of you didn't help at all. To make things worse, it's summer, so everyone else is wearing clothes that showed more of the skin. You hate this season, since it makes it harder to hide your body.

At least you had some comfort since you were going to visit your friends that live outside this pretty perfect world since they are imperfect, just like you. The turtles. You met them by accident one night, but you couldn't be happier. You feel bad for it, but you are happy that you have friends that aren't accepted by everyone else. They make you feel like it's okay to be you. Well, at least they made you feel that way. You always had a crush on the leader in blue, Leo. But one day he met this girl named Karai and when you saw her you understood why he couldn't get her off his mind. She's pratically everything he could ever want. She was strong, smart, a great martial artist and really pretty. You, on the other hand...

You were (y/f - your flaws, the things you don't like about yourself). Basically the opposite of his ideal girlfriend. You let out a sigh as you remember her. She emanated so much confidence you couldn't help but envy her. But what could you do to change the fact that Leo's eyes are on her and not on you? (Why would he even have eyes for me?)

"Okay, that does it. Come on." April pulls you off your thoughts as she grabbed your arms and dragged you to a different direction from the one you were going to before. "W-Where are we going?" You ask. "To my place. I'll give Leo a reason to have his eyes on you, not on Karai."


Timeskip brought by Ice Cream Kitty 🐱🍨

"A-April, are you sure about this?" You ask as you feel your cheeks burn. She dragged you to her apartment where she did a complete make over on you. It was all against your will, but she put make up on you, curled your hair, did your nails, convinced you to wear a skirt, tank top, jacket and two inch heel boots. You asked her how she got all of it and she said it was going to be your birthday gift simce she knew how insecure you were about your body, but she decided to give it to you now. You were so uncomfortable. Mainly with the fact that she hid your glasses, so she had to help you as you walked through the sewer tunnels.

"Absolutely. Come on." She grasps your hand and leads you to the turtles' lair. "Hey, guys!" She says.

"Hey, April!" Mikey shouts. "Where's Y/n? She didn't come with you?"

Unknown to you, April turns around looking for you, but you are crouched right next to the ratchets. You are way too embarrassed to show up. What would they think? They'd probably make fun of you, you are sure of it. "Y/n!" You hear April scolding you and making you flinch a bit with that. "W-What...?" You ask lowly. "Come on, Y/n. Get over here."

You shake your head. "I-I don't know, A-April..." Before you can do anything, she grasps your arm and pulls you up so you can get by her side. "Whoa! Is that Y/n?" You hear Mikey asking and you feel yourself getting more embarrassed by the moment. "Yep. I decided to give her a make over. What do you think?"

"She looks like a complete different person. I kind of like it!"

"What's going on-- Whoa! Y/n... Wow. You look really different. Why the change?" You hear Donnie speak and you look up to see him. "Oh, u-uhm... W-Well... A-April thought that I should try something... D-Different." You say as you look down and rub your arm.

"Well you do look really pretty. Right Leo?" You hear Mikey asking and freeze as soon as Leo's name is mentioned. But you are caught completely off guard when he holds your hand and guides you to his room. You can tell it's him by his wrappings even though you can't properly see it. Once inside, he tells you to sit down and do as you're told, your cheeks hurting from burning so much. Then, he grabs a wipe packet he has from his own first aid kit he had in case he needed to take care of minor injuries from their missions. He kneels in front of you and gently holds your chin. "Hold still." After that, he starts to wipe off your make up. Once he's done, he starts to run his fingers through your hair, uncurling it and giving a more natural look. "Where are your glasses?"

"A-April has them..." He gets up once you give him your answer and gets back on the room soon enough. When he's back, he grabs your hand and pulls you up. After that, he puts your glasses back on your face. "There." He says and you can tell that something in his voice is different. Regardless, you fix your glasses and laugh a bit. "April is going to get pissed off at you. It took her a good time to get me like this."

"I almost didn't recognize you. Why did you change?" You look up at him and see him frowning a bit. You shake your head and look away. "Hey..." He gently holds you chin and makes you look at him. "Please tell me. It must've been something important to manage to get you to use a skirt." You laugh a bit and shake your head again. "I just..." You shrug. "Wanted to look good, so I could feel good." Again, he lifts you chin up, but this time instead of saying anything, he kisses you softly. You don't move out of how surprised you are. When he pulls back, he smiles at you and pulls a strand of hair away from your face. "You don't have to do that. You are beautiful. Whenever you're having fun, whenever you're being yourself... When you feel good, you look good. Stunning even. That's what I like the most about you, Y/n."

Your eyes widen. "... But... I-I thought you liked Karai." He laughs a bit and shakes his head. "Then you don't have to worry. She's my sister." Your eyed widen again. "Oh." You say and Leo laughs at your face. You try to hide your face in embarrassment and he stops you by holding your hands. "You look cute when you're all bashful like that." He kisses your forehead and hugs you. "I know you have flaws and things you don't like about yourself. But please don't ever change unless you really want to. I love you just the way you are. Okay?" He pulls back a bit and smiles at you. You can't help but cup his cheeks and kiss him. He kisses you back as his arms wrap themselves around your waist. When you pull back, you lean your forehead on his. "I love you too, Leo."

"Then, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

You beam at him, peck his lips before hugging him tight. "Of course! I'd love to!" He chuckles and hugs you tighter. "Look, I know I just told you to be yourself, but would you mind wearing this outfit more often? It looks great on you." He askes and you pull back to stare at him with wide eyes. When you realize he's serious, you hide your face behind your hands and groans. You hear Leo chuckling before feeling him hugging you and kissing your head. "*Chuckles* I'm just messing with you, Y/n."

"... Fine..." You mumble. "Uh?" He pulls back at looks at you confused. But all you can do is look to the side completely embarrassed. "I-I guess that I... I-I can... Try... T-To wear this o-outfit more often..."

"Hey..." He lifts your chin again and kisses your nose. "Only if you're feeling comfortable while you're wearing this."

"Well... If I can be the girlfriend of a guy as amazing as you, I-I guess I can get used to wearing this. Though I do miss my pants." He laughs, holds you hand and guides you to the kitchen. "Come on. Let's have some pizza."


TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now