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#A.N.: Heya! Sorry for the delay, I came to my parents' house for Christmas, and in my family we have this tradition to have a big dinner at Christmas Eve so I spent the last two days helping my parents clean things up. 😅😅😅
Antways, this is a request made by Jun3_1vy
Hope y'all like it!

*J.exe stopped working*

Leo's POV

I'm on the rooftops yet again in another patrol, as per usual. The others are on different spots around the city, that way we can cover more ground and get done faster.

Not that I don't like the patrols, but Master Splinter has been pretty harsh on us lately, so we all just want to rest for a bit.

"Hey, Leo. I got nothing around here." I hear Raph talking through the walkie talkie/T-Phone. I grab it and respond.

"What about the others? Donnie? Mikey? Got anything?"

"Nope." Mikey replies.

"Nothing here either." Donnie says.

"Then I guess that's it for today. Meet you all at the lair."

"Phew! Finally, man. I'm starving." Mikey comments.

I hang up and start heading home. But then, something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye.

I turn around and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

It's... Another mutant. More than that, it is a mutant turtle. Except, whoever it is, it's different than us. Another species, maybe.

I frown. I move closer to it as quietly as I can. Once I'm close enough, I take in their features. It looks like a girl. And she's doing some moves I've never seen before. And they look so fluid.

What shocks me even more is her flexibility. I mean, she has a shell like me, but I've never done moves like those.

Backwards cartwheels, back-standing flips that are like in some kind of a slow-mo movie, she's more upside down than anything. And when she is standing up, she just takes a deep breath and goes back to being upside down.

She makes it looks so effortlessly, how does she do that?

"Whoa..." I mumble, but she stops moving right when she's standing on a um... Backbend bridge, I think.

She moves her head around and locks eyes with me.

"Oh, hey! Didn't see you there." She replies as she raises her feet, still standing on her hands, spins them before getting up. "Hope you don't mind, but I have to finish my routine." She says before getting back on the same position but with her feet raised.

"H-How... How are you... Doing this...? I mean, you're a mutant turtle, and yet..."

"Oh, it's because I'm a mutant softshell turtle. That's how I can do these moves."

"... I see..."

"*Giggles* I'm Y/n, by the way." She says before getting back up on her feet. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo."

"Nice to meet you." She says as she shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you too. So... What are you practicing?"

"Oh, just some gymnastics. I mean, kind of. Wanna join?"

"Um... I... Can't do that."

"Really? Not even these?" She askes as she starts doing more gymnastics moves and my chin just drops.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now