"White I can carry this. Please get the first aid kit for me and please check on Joss also." White nodded at Gun's instruction before he ran downstairs to find the kits.

When Off and Gun entered another guest room Gun harshly pushed Off at the bed. Off sit on the bed with wide eyes he didn't expect that.

"Why did you do that?!" Gun suddenly yelled. He was like a cat turning into a lion.

"Did what?" Off asked calmly.

"Don't make me stupid Off. Why did you punch Joss?!" Gun can't believe Off will do such a thing.

Off did not answer him. He kept his mouth shut and he avoided Gun's glare. He looks at his lap and thinks why he does that. Off can't even explain why he exploded like that earlier.

"Answer me! What now?! Where's your bravery now?!" Gun yelled he looked furious. He pushes Off's shoulder but Off still keeps his mouth shut and he didn't move in my place. "I thought you're brave? C'mon, let me know! Just fucking tell me why did you punch him! Why did you punch my -" Gun shouted loudly but Off cut him when he heard 'my' Off don't want to hear the next word. The word 'my' is already ringing in my head!

Off stand up and he towered over him. Off take a step forward while glaring at Gun. Off could feel Gun is afraid of him.

"Because I saw my Fiancee hugging someone else! What do you think I feel?!" Off burst out, he shouted his fiancee.

"I don't know what you feel! Just tell me!" Gun yelled even though he was trembling.

"You don't know because you don't care" Off lowered his voice. 'In this game, I'm the loser because I fell first.' Off thought.

"Just straight to the point!" Gun is frustrated. He didn't understand Off.

'I can't hold my feelings anymore because the more I control it, the more I get exploded.' Off realize. He continued talking. "We are engaged. We will be marrying soon" I tried to calm myself down.

"Why?" Gun mumbled. He looks up to Off again with confusion shown in his expression. "Why are you acting like you also want this fucking engagement? Why kept mentioning that nonsense marriage?! We aren't like that right? No, I should correct myself... We don't like each other, don't we?!" Gun chuckled sarcastically.

"What if I'm acting this way because I'm jealous? What if I already like this engagement? What if I want to marry you? What if I'm starting to fall for you-"

Off cut by a punched from Gun. The shorter one is heaving and can't believe what Off talking about. Off is in pain, not because of the punched but the fact that Gun cut him on what he was to say is more hurtful. 'He didn't like me that huh.' Off thought.

"STOP THAT SHITTY WORDS!" Gun shouted. 'My words aren't shitty. I meant all of that' Off thought but he can't say it out loud. "Why are you doing this to me?" Off was surprised when Gun tears started to fall. Off wants to hug him so he steps forward but Gun steps backward. "Why are you playing my feelings? Let me remind you that I'm not your toy."

"Gun.. How could you say that I'm playing you? I never do that and I will never play you." I said sincerely.

"Ohmygod. Don't act like you did not ever play me. Don't fool me Off!"

Unexpected Marriage [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ