regular day.

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"he came to talk." i said raising me eyes up, while continuing the story.

"lies, you and alejandro don't JUST talk." she said looking up at me, she emphasized the 'just'.

she knew that alejandro wasn't at my house to talk and she was half right. we did talk but we also did the dirty, but she already knew that.

"well, we did talk afterwards." i said. she laughed and i laughed with her. we continued to eat our food and gossiped like everyone does, and talked.

after we were done with our food, it was time to go home. kat and i got to the car and i drove us back home.

damn i need to stop going to malls, I'm wasting so much money and it's not as fun as it used to be.

i blocked my stupid thoughts and continued paying attention to the road, i needed to pay attention or who knows what could happen.

kat was making tik toks as we were driving home, she was either blasting the music or texting kairi. after about half an hour we arrived home.

i parked in my driveway, since kat lives next door she just walks to her house. but this time she decided to stay in my house for a bit.

"you wanna come inside kat?" i ask her, while i was getting out of my car, i grabbed my bags from the trunk and waited for her to respond.

"uh yeah, I'll tell my mom." she replied. "okay" i said. she hopped out of my car and got her bags from the trunk.

her mom answered quick, "she said yeah." she said. we then walked to my house, i unlocked my front door and we were inside my house.

kat came inside and i closed my front door. she immediately went upstairs, she already knew where to go, which made me laugh at the fact that we hang out together way too much.

i heard her footsteps go up the stairs and she went to my room, i made sure to check my house like i always do just in case. and then i went upstairs with kat.

she was plopped on my bed with MY blanket over her body. she was laying on the left side, she knew i preferred to lay on the right side.

i jumped on my bed and covered myself with MY blanket. "you know this is my blanket right?" i said to her as she kept pulling the blanket towards her. i looked at her with this face -.-

she ignored me and kept pulling my blanket, "you're so annoying" I said playfully, i grabbed one of my pillows and threw it at her face, my actions and her reaction caused me to laugh.

she had that mad face and i knew she was going to throw it back, either harder or hard enough to knock me out.

this bitch bout to kill me

i said in my head, i was anticipating her to actually kill me but she just threw it back. it was a bit harder but not as expected.

once she hit me i was over it, i was already tired. we laughed and i put on the purge: election year. (which is only fitting right now in real life.)

the purge series was my favorite besides the conjuring series. since kat and i watched the first two movies of the purge series we skipped to election year.

it was a great movie but once we started the next one, kat and i both fell asleep.

it was a while before we woke up, and i dreamt black...again. it might not seem like a big deal to you but it is to me.

kat and i were woken up by her phone going off, with calls and texts from her mom. that means it was time for her to go.

she got up and slipped on her shoes, she wasn't in a rush since she lives next door, she grabbed all of her bags and stuff that she brought with her and went downstairs.

i said goodbye and she was out my front door, just like that. after i said goodbye i went to the kitchen and got a snack. i got ice cream, and put caramel syrup and sprinkles on it.

it was craving this, i went upstairs with my ice cream in my hands. i was still in my put fit from today so when i got to my room, i took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas.

which were just sweats and a large comfy hoodie. once i was done with that i cleaned my face, i really hoped my ice cream didn't melt.

but if it does that's what i get for not planning ahead. i did my skincare routine and then i got out of my bathroom and grabbed my ice cream.

i went on my bed and ate my half melted ice cream while watching an intense episode of criminal minds. which is my favorite show.

since i napped earlier i stayed up later. i watched criminal minds almost the whole night. my life was pretty much the same routine.

which is a little bit depressing, but you know what can you do when you're the only child and your parents are work-holics.

i felt lonely and of course when you're lonely you tend to look at past stuff. things that made you smile, laugh and genuinely happy.

and mattia was that, he was that person that would make me laugh over the stupidest jokes and things ever. i went to my vanity and looked at the old pictures we had together.

honestly i hated the fact that i still missed him but, it just popped in my head. i mean we did kiss a couple days ago, and i know that we both still have that same old connection.

it's hard to deny it but that spark that was put out a long time ago is relighting again.


sorry for my late post, school is stressful as you know. also it's election day...which is scary.
make sure you follow me and ex boyfriend for updates!!


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