Neo's Origins

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Kuro: This World is known as Ares. It is divided into 4 sections. The Cardinal Kingdoms. The North Kingdom. The East Kingdom. The South Kingdom. And The West Kingdom. All of these areas are ruled by a specific King or Queen. Even though here in the North, the Queen is kind and benevolent, the rest of the rulers rule with and iron fist. People here are mostly born lucky. Or at least most.

Ryu and Neo took in everything she said. Neo looked at Ryu and she asked him a question.

Ryu: ... So, how many people know how to use magic?

Kuro: Oh, everyone is born with some ability for magic. The Gator man Riley used Fire Magic.

Ryu: Pyromaniac got it.

Neo looked at with a somewhat confused look.

Ryu: I know, it's weird. 'Why can't we use aura or our semblances?'

Kuro: But I'm confused, how do you two know nothing about the Kingdoms? All of the planet is comprised of the Kingdoms.

Ryu: Uhhh, we can explain that another time. Right now, we should probably get somewhere with civilization. Have any idea where that is?

Kuro: Well the nearest town is a 20 minute walk from here.

Ryu: Yeah that sounds like a drag to walk all the way there. So how about we fly.

Ryu's eyes glowed as they started to float up.

Kuro: You can fly?

Ryu: Yup. Now come on.

Neo shrugged before grabbing Kuro. She held out her and to Ryu and he grabbed it as they flew in the sky.

Kuro: AH!

Kuro covered her eyes in fear as Ryu deadpanned but on the inside suppressed the urge to "HNNNN" from cuteness.

Ryu: 'Oh she is too damn precious.'

Shojo: Can we take her home? Please?

Ryu: 'I don't see why not.' Come on Kuro, you can open your eyes.

She slowly peeked one eye open and saw the land bellow them. Soon she fully opened her eyes with stars in them.

Kuro: WOW!!

Neo as well was mesmerized by the view.

Ryu: Neither of you have ever seen a view like this one huh? It's pretty nice don't you think?

They kept flying until they reached a massive castle with homes all around.

Ryu: I'm guessing this is the place.

Kuro: Yeah!

Ryu: The castles where they Queen's at right?

Kuro: Uh huh!

Ryu: Good. LET'S GO-

Neo pulled up from his arm shaking him by the collar.

Ryu: I wasn't going to crash into the place like a jackass!

Neo gave him a furious glare before smacking him upside the head.

Ryu: Ok, I was close to, but I remembered the kid was here.

Neo sighed and relented before they all landed outside of anyones line of sight behind the castle. Then she looked at him crossing her arms.

Ryu: Well we probably do stick out like sore thumbs, so I guess getting some clothes to fit where we are would be good.

Kuro: Um, how can you understand her when she doesn't speak?

They both shrugged. Soon enough they looked around and saw a clothes shop. They walked over and conveniently Ryu had a good amount of currency in his pocket. They brought clothes to blend in more.

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