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Ryu was flying in the air having looked all around the kingdoms.

Ryu: One month later and I STILL can't find the old man!

Shojo: Well you have nothing but time now. Who knows, it may lead to your biggest adventure yet.

Ryu: -_- Yeah, like I want another scar like the one Salem left me.

He flew into a forest where there was a cabin -Which was honestly a small Mansion-.

He flew into a forest where there was a cabin -Which was honestly a small Mansion-

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Ryu: Man, I am gonna get an earful.

He opened the door expecting Aero to pop out of nowhere and yell at him but found that the lights turned on and party poppers were set off. This was caused by Team RWBY, Team JNPR, the rest of Team RAGE, Oscar, Kasumi, Summer, the Branwen twins, Aurora, Keith, and Neo.


Ryu: O_O

Ruby: We missed you man!!

Azure: A month with you not being here was pretty dull.

Ryu: Wait, you guys did this just for me coming back?

Kasumi: It's not only that, it's the saving the world party!!

Yang: Yeah, we can't celebrate without the reason we're able to!

Ryu was surprised by this before smiling brightly.

Ryu: Thanks guys!

Erica went in front of Ryu with a plate of cake.

Erica: And as tradition goes-

Jaune ran to the other side of him.


Seeing this coming from a mile away Ryu vanished with both of them caking each other.


Azure seemed to smirk satisfied.

Azure: The chaos he brings is a welcomed one.

???: 'So, when are you gonna tell everyone about me.'

A familiar voice echoed in Azure's mind. Unseen by everyone else a man that was similar to Shojo appeared beside Azure. This was the other wolf who had traveled to the world of Remnant.

 This was the other wolf who had traveled to the world of Remnant

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Azure: 'We should let everyone have some fun at least. I know you're eager for Shojo to know you're here.'

Shonen: '-_- Actually she'd kill me for waiting, so maybe later is better.'

Qrow: Any luck Ryu?

Ryu: Heh, nope. That old man is one slick customer.

Kasumi: Sol warned me about this but I never thought he'd do it at a time like that.

Aurora: If we know anything about him it's that it won't be easy.

Ryu: Yeah, but he's doing this to better me too. It's kind of a win win.

He sipped the glass of whisky before catching the plate of cake thrown at him by Nora.


Nora: BRING IT!!

Aero walked up to them.

Aero: What is his dad like anyway?

Qrow: Well Ryu certainly takes a lot after him. For one, I've never seen the man lose a battle in his life. He's probably still stronger than Ryu. By a long shot.

Ruby: RYU?!! He can kill Gods!!!

Kasumi: Yes but he can't beat a Sol.

Aurora: He's really kind too. He's the one that got people to accept Faunus is Carver.

Yang: How old is he?

Qrow was about to answer before Raven put her hand over his mouth.

Raven: That would lead to you knowing Kasumi's age.

Kasumi: Thank you Raven, at least one twin has tact.

Karma and Keith talked with Ren and Pyrrha while Neo sat down enjoying her cake. Even more craziness ensued when Ryu dodged a cake intentionally letting it hit Azure in the face.

Jaune: O_O

It slid off as face as Azure seemed to have an annoyed smirk.

Azure: Alright, outside.

Ryu: PFFT, Dude the last time you saw me you couldn't track my moves! Do you honestly believe that a month is enough time to close that gap?

By the time he started his sentence Azure was already outside.

Azure: You we're saying?

Ryu: Oh it's on avatar.

Ryu appeared outside as they were both ready to fight.


They both leapt at each other each catching a fist.


Shojo: I cannot believe you and Azure forgot we were in a forest and used fire attacks.

Ryu: Hey, you knew good and damn well I could bring back the nature around us.

Ryu was standing on his porch but was joined by Shojo who had chosen to take a small form of 4'6.

Ryu: Shojo.

Shojo: What up?

Ryu: How exactly did you make your way back to me? You should've been separated from N after he died right?

Shojo: Well, that's a little complicated. You see back before N, I was sort of like a guide to help Kaiser master his own power made from his father. Before he died Kaiser made me an actual spirit. That's when I was sent to N's world and became an Immortal Spirit. After a while I met him and at first didn't like him, but he grew to be my best friend. When he fought Madara he-

Ryu: Time out I fought Madara?

Shojo: Yeah, but at first he wasn't able to hold out against him due to the drain Wolf Emperor form put on him. This was until we bonded our Chakra's together permanently giving him enough strength to surpass him, but that ultimately resulted in him actually connecting our souls forever too. So basically you're stuck with me for all eternity.

He patted her head smiling.

Ryu: Wouldn't have it any other way though.


Fang: Well, it's done. This was the story of probably my most overpowered OC in one of my stories. It was a long time coming but here it is. This might be the most fun I've had writing a story in a while since I just didn't have to hold back for the finale and put my own twist. And the main character being an absolute jackass half the time made it fun too. And it grew more than I expected half the time too. So if you wanna find the sequel: Guess. Anyway hope you all enjoyed!

Fang Out.

RWBY: Team RAGE (RWBY X OVERPOWERED OC)Where stories live. Discover now