Team RAGE Reunites.

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Ryu was flying through the air looking rather annoyed.

Ryu: Somehow it completely slipped my mind that Atlas was still EXTREMELY FAR AWAY!!! I'VE BEEN FLYING FOR 12 FUCKING HOURS!!!

Shojo: Better than 8 months.

Ryu looked ahead to see that Atlas was in his sights.


He flew at even faster speeds with the wind getting pulled behind him. When he was actually inside the city he landed on the ground.

Ryu: Alright I'll probably be able to run from here on out.

Shojo: Do you really think that's smart?

Ryu: Good point. Also, I think I'll pay a visit to an old friend.

Shojo: Old friend?

Ryu: You'll see.

He began walking until he reached a simple small pharmacy. He opened the door and saw a dark skinned old man.

Ryu: Mind if an old friend visits?

???: My word! You wouldn't happen to be Ryu Kaizen would ya?!

Ryu: Course I am Pietro.

Pietro "Likable on sight" Polendina!

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Pietro "Likable on sight" Polendina!

Pietro: Well you've grown into a fine young man! I was wondering when you'd finally get here!

Ryu: So have my friends already gotten here?

Pietro: Why yes they have. Also, my daughter is excited to see you.

Ryu: Say what now?

Pietro: You didn't think I'd leave her in shambles like that did you?

Shojo: Uhhh, Ryu, who's his daughter? As a matter of fact who is HE?

Ryu: Your not joking about Penny?!

Pietro: Not in the slightest!

Ryu: Everything is right in the world. Ok so where are the others?

Pietro: Their all at the headquarters! Ironwood personally have the the Huntsmen rank!

Ryu: Oh... That must show how bad the situation is then.

Pietro: Well now that you're here it's a whole 75 percent increase in our favor!

Ryu smiled hearing the jolly old mans statistics.

Ryu: Yeah. Well Pietro, it was good seeing you again. I just had to come back here once.

Pietro: Don't be a stranger my boy! Your always welcome!

Ryu: Thanks. See yah old man.

Ryu walked out of the store leaving a satisfied Pietro.

Shojo: So he's the one who built Penny. I see the resemblance.

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