The Mother of the Year

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After many hours of walking, and constant Beowolf attacks, team RRANJR finally arrived at an inn.


Ryu waisted no time in crashing to the warm bed.

Ryu: Ahhh. Walking for this long with you guys isn't as bad as I thought, but nothing beats a bed.

Aero didn't say a single word before she crashed into her own bed.

Aero: Any of you wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do.

That was all she said before complete falling asleep. The rest of Team RRANJR minus Ryu where slightly fearful of waking the sleeping Vampire.

Jaune: Whatever any of you do, make sure you do it, QUIETLY.

Ryu: Well guys I'm off to the bar.

Ruby: What?!!

Immediately Jaune Nora and Ren covered her mouth and looked towards Aero who was still sleeping. They all let out sighs of relief.

Jaune: Why would you wanna go there?

Ruby: We're underaged remember?

Ryu: You know Rubes you would be right but we've trained to fight Grimm and risk our lives everyday. We're allowed to do things like drinking before that age.

Ren: He's actually right.

Ruby: Really?

Ryu: I mean Qrow could vouch for that himself.

Nora: What?

Ryu: Nothing. Besides I just needed to grab so information.

Jaune: Information about what?

Ryu: Well, it's about a type of Grimm.

Jaune: A Grimm? What kind?

Ryu: Big, scary, and dangerous.

Ren: Your gonna have to be more specific about that one.

Ryu: Alright I'm more detail. It's a mutated Opal.

Nora: AN OPAL?!!!

This time Nora's mouth was covered and they looked back at Aero who looked like she was moving, causing Ruby Nora Jaune and Ren to sweat. Thankfully for them she had just turned to the other side.

Ruby: *Whispering* Why would you ever need to know about something that makes a Nevermore look tame?!!

Jaune: *Whispering* A Giant Bat Grimm is all that anyone needs to know about it!

Ryu: Yeah but I'm talking about a mutated one.

Ren: How could a Grimm mutate?

Ryu: Well I've heard rumors that if a Grimm has a higher intellect than an average one, it can mutate, or you could even say evolve.

Ruby: *Aggressive Whispering* Okay so why would you want to go anywhere near something like that?!!!

Ryu: Mainly because I'm a curious guy. Also if we ever come across something possibly as strong as a Colossus I wanna know a weakness. Plus since the planet has been turning into a world of surprises anything is possible. Well I'm off. Try not to wake up my moderately sleep deprived girlfriend.

With that he closed the door and he left the 4 awake members not knowing what to do but get ready for bed. He walked into the bar and immediately noticed Qrow drinking at a table. Qrow turned and saw Ryu staring dead at him nearly spitting out his alcohol.

Ryu: Huh???

Qrow: Uhhhhh...

Ryu snapped out of his slight mini trance before walking right over the table sitting right in front of Qrow.

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