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A/n: Just a quick little heads up, since RWBY hadn't been updated in a while, things are about to take a turn in the fan made area.

Ryu was still asleep until he woke up in a black void.

Ryu: What the hell?

Shojo: Oh no. Every time you have ever came into a place like this, it meant something REALLY BIG was gonna happen.

Ryu: Well how long does it usually take for something to happen?

Shojo: I wanna say about, 5 five seconds.

Ryu: That short?

???: Ryu.

Ryu: Wait who the hell is this?

???: Hello? Can you hear me right? Man this ability is so weird.

Ryu: Can you here me?

???: AH! There we go! Sorry this is the first time I used this from long distances.

They voice sounded eerily familiar to Ryu in way confusing the boy.

Ryu: Ok I know for a fact that I don't know you, but you sound way to familiar.

???: Well I guess I would sound a little familiar.

The tone she took had definitely rung a bell in Ryu's head.

Ryu: Hold up a slightly high pitched voice, the way you seemed to be having trouble with whatever the hell you were doing to get inside my head, a REALLY rosy smell.

Shojo: Exactly like Ruby.

???: Well your close but no.

Ryu: Wait a damn minute you could hear her?

???: We're inside you Ryu. I can hear pretty much everything you hear.

Ryu: Ok then you can hear my serious confusion on WHO THE HELL YOU ARE!

???: Awww your no fun.

Ryu: Wait a second the childish personality, you wouldn't happen to be-

A bright light shone in front of Ryu blinding him.

Ryu: AHHH WHY?!!

After the blindness subsided, he saw that the area was brighter a cloudier like they were in the sky. He also noticed a woman bearing a striking resemblance to the rose headed Ruby.

???: My name is... Summer Rose.

Summer "All around Super Mom" Rose!

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Summer "All around Super Mom" Rose!

A/n: Yup. Summer lives.

After the reveal Shojo deadpanned.

Shojo: Yeah if you weren't related to Ruby in anyway I think I would've started to question my entire mentality.

Ryu's Brain fully went into overdrive as questions flooded his mind one by one by the nano second.

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