The Finale Battle PT 1: Preparing for the Storm

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Ryu floated holding Ruby.

Ruby: Is it really you Ryu?

Ryu: No, it's Jack Frost.

Ruby smiled hearing that.

Ruby: Definitely you.

Faster than anyone could realize he was on the ground setting down Ruby. After he did that he appeared behind Cinder backhanding her into the other platform. This all happened faster than anyone could realize as they noticed both at the same time.

Ryu: DAMN that felt good.

He dropped back to the ground with his signature grin.

Ryu: Miss me?

Azure slowly floated down trying to process what was happening. He walked forward to Ryu before hitting him upside the head.

Ryu: Ok but why?!

Azure had shown a genuine smile seeing the reaction.

Azure: Yeah, you're the only idiot that'd let us hit you like that.

Ryu: Ok fair enough. Wait, Erica? Since when did you have black hair?

Karma: Ryu!!

Everyone had dog piled over him as this time it was practically welcomed to him.

Ryu: Sorry for the craziness guys, but I promise it's me.

He wiped a tear from his eye getting up. That's when he received one last bear hug from Aero was let tears fall freely from her eyes.

Ryu: It's ok Aero.

Keith and Neo looked at the sight. Keith seemed slightly nervous himself before clearing his throat.

Keith: This is a real happy reunion, but we still have to deal with Cinder.

Everyone looked at the two confused before realizing exactly who they were.

Aero: KEITH?!!

Ruby: NEO!!!

They were all about to get ready to fight before Ryu appeared in front of them.

Ryu: HEY HEY HEY, they're one our side now!!

Azure: The hell are you on about?!! That guy hospitalized me and Karma a year ago!!

Keith: Oh boy.

Neo: Relax, for you all it might've-

Yang: YOU CAN TALK?!!!

Ryu: Ok fuck this, you all just wait for me to take care of things.

Karma: So you're gonna- WATCH OUT!!!

Without even turning around Ryu had had elbowed the flying Cinder in the Ribcage instantly making her aura break.

All: O_O

Cinder spat out blood and held where Ryu hit in pain.

Ryu: Can't even wait a second huh?

Cinder wheezed before gritting her teeth.


Ryu: So, long story short, my flames burned hot enough to transport me and Neo to another world. I could sit here and bore you with all the details, but it'd be a waste of time.

He chopped her on the neck making her spit blood out one more time before passing out.

Ryu: Ah, that takes care of that.

He grabbed Cinder and slung her over his shoulder.

Ryu: Anyway, Erica, I see you're the Summer Maiden. Pretty handy that I copied it right?

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