The Vital Festival

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We bring you to the room of team RAGE. All of them were preparing their weapons and had slight smiles on their faces.

Ryu: And you wanna know why?! ITS FIGHTING TIME THATS WHY!!

Azure: What the idiot means is it's the Vital Festival.

Karma: And we get to go up against people from different schools in a tournament.

Erica: First round full teams, second round doubles, and lastly for the final round just good old fashion 1v1's.

Ryu: We've literally been referred to as the strongest team by the headmaster, this'll be a cake walk. Well, at least until the finals.

Karma: And what's gonna be so hard about that?

Ryu turned with a look saying "Are you stupid?"

Ryu: Uh-HELLO?? The Dragon of Wrath?

Azure: Also known as the girl who kicked this guys ass.

Ryu: Screw you I'm getting payback in the finals. Besides that you know who we're up against in the first round Karma?

Karma: Oh yeah, team SSSN.

Ryu: Okay so who's getting who?

Azure: I'll fight Neptune I guess. Since you know the most about Suns fighting style you could fight him.

Ryu: Alright then.

Time Skip!

Team RWBY had just finished their match with Team ABRN and went to get lunch when they were interrupted by Emerald.

Emerald: Hey! Might be hard to eat without this.

She held up a red wallet shocking Ruby. She checked her wallets and patted herself down like crazy.

???: I mean it would be the same for you right?

Emerald: Huh?

She looked behind her to see Ryu with HER wallet.

Emerald: Hahaha, good to see you guys.

Ryu: Likewise. Right Aero?

She came from behind a stand and smiled.

Aero: Nothing gets past you does it?

Ruby: Where did you two come from?

Azure: Does it surprise you at this point?

Karma: He can literally teleport. He can be anywhere at anytime.

Ruby jumped hearing Azure and Karma behind her.

Ruby: Stop doing that!

Erica appeared right behind Ruby.

Erica: Ok.

Ruby: GAH!

Yang: Whats up guys?

Ryu: Congratulations on advancing.

Emerald: That fight was amazing. You guys are awesome!

Ruby began getting embarrassed and Ryu tilted over to Aero.

Ryu: So why is she faking being all happy?

Aero: She's just trying hard to be nice.

Yang: So how'd you guys do in the fight?

Emerald looked in the air remembering something.


Team CEMA was facing some random team in the first round and this is how you picture it. Emerald shot various bullets before moving back. Mercury shot a bullet from his boot before moving as well, Cinder kicked a guy in the face sending him out of bounds, and finally Aero shot three dust arrows that the last member winning the match.

RWBY: Team RAGE (RWBY X OVERPOWERED OC)Where stories live. Discover now