The Fall of Beacon PT 1. Devastation

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Ryu walked into the stadium and saw Aero sitting down. He smiled before walking over to the empty seat.

Ryu: Yo!

Aero: Hey Ryu. Shouldn't you be down there in case your called?

Ryu: Nah it's fine I can just teleport.

Aero: Alright then.

Front the corner of his eye, Ryu saw Ruby and she waved at him. He waved back and she got up from her seat to get to come to this side.

Ryu: Hold up, I'll grab her.

Aero: Oh sure.

Ryu got up from his seat and teleported to Ruby.

Ryu: Looking for me Rubes?

Ruby: Oh right teleporting. Well I guess we shouldn't leave Aero hanging.

They begin walking through the hall.

Ruby: So does Aero seem familiar to you in anyway?

Ryu mentally choked as he remembered that none of the others knew Aero's name before she came to Beacon.

Ryu: I mean not for more than the time I knew her.

They kept going until they saw Mercury in the hall.

Ryu: Hey Mercury, what are you doing over here? Unless I remember right, you can't teleport like me.

They all heard the announcement for that fight from outside due to the microphone.

Port: It looks like our first contender is Penny Polendina from Atlas!

Ruby: What are you doing?

Port: And her opponent will be: Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Both Ruby and Ryu's eyes widened in horror thinking of the disasters that could happen.

Ryu: Oh no...

Mercury: Oooh polarity vs metal. That could be bad.

Ryu: Ok I'm not even gonna ask how either of you know that she's an Android, you better get out of the way. And I mean just now

Mercury: Make me.

Ryu: I'm not gonna fight if I don't need to.

Mercury: Than I guess you don't wanna go any farther.

Ryu: I'm serious Mercury. Move, or your gonna regret it.

Mercury: Mmmmm... No thanks.

Ryu had a vein pop in his head as he moved forward. Mercury kept his calm smirk until he for some reason, he was scared for his life. Ryu kept walking as Mercury's fear grew with each step.

Mercury: 'Wh-What is this guy? A second ago I was fine, but this... He's willing to kill me if I don't get out of his way! My old man never gave of such a killer intent...'

Mercury saw a dark shadow loom over Ryu as his eyes flashed red. He stayed completely still as Ryu walked past him.

Ryu: Come on Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, Right!

Ruby ran past Mercury and they ran to get to the door. Mercury fell down to his knees and was sweating up a storm.

Mercury: 'Something is different about him. It separates him from everyone else. It's not just his strength, it's his Eyes.'

Ruby and Ryu made it out but it was at the worst possible time. Pyrrha used her polarity to knock away the 10 swords.

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