The Missing Faunus

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Karma was currently fuming at Weiss since they'd been informed that Blake had been gone since yesterday. What made matters worse was that she was a member of the White Fang.

Weiss: Why do you care?! You didn't even her until the start of the year!

Karma: I was at least one of the only people who could tell she was a Faunus!

Weiss: Could you tell she was a member of the White Fang?!

Karma had enough of hearing Weiss screaming like a banshee and stormed out of Team RWBY's dorm.

Weiss: Hmph. For all we know she could have been a part of them too.

Ruby: Weiss!!

Weiss: What? I'm just speaking the truth right now.

A loud smash was heard inside of the room and it traced back to Ryu, who's fist was currently in one of the walls. They all looked shocked at the look on his face being one of legitimate anger while his eyes were slitted and his pupils were purple.

Ryu: You know, I was starting to think you actually weren't that bad of a person, that you were actually better than what your family name lead you to be. I guess you're proving me wrong.

He walked out of the room with a more calm expression, but they could all tell that he was beyond livid.

Yang: You know that just because she's a Faunus, doesn't mean she was a member, at least for Karma. That was just racist.

Weiss: -

Okay okay you all know the story, I'm just skipping of to Ryu looking for Karma. He was currently in the cafeteria.

Ryu: Karma!

There was no response. He grabbed her favorite snack just in case she needed some cheering up while they talked: Strawberry Pocky.

Ryu: This may do the trick.

He went on continuing his search until he started getting pretty aggravated.

Ryu: You emphasizing on it really isn't helping!

Yes, but it's fun as all hell. Now where was I? Oh right, Ryu has tried feeling her Aura but soon realized that she was dropping it.

Ryu: Guess that's not an option. Alright plan B.

He closed his eyes and started sniffing the air wincing in pain.

Ryu: God that perfume is strong... she's up on the damn roof. *Sigh* Why do I have the feeling this is gonna be the place where all the emotional stuff happens?

He disappeared and reappeared at the door to the roof of the school, arriving to hear a faint crying. He started walking over to her making her head go up.

Karma: Go away Azure, I don't wanna talk right now.

Ryu: You know, I might not be the most sentimental guy, but to automatically think that it was Azure and not me so quickly is kinda insulting.

She then turned around and saw Ryu slightly smiling. After a second, she turned her head back as Ryu just walked next to her before sitting down.

Ryu: You know, this is definitely gonna make me sound like a Sherlock, but she has to have her side of the story too. If I had to sum it up, I'd say the stress was getting to her dad and she got beat as a kid.

Karma: I know it's just... you know what happened...

He could already tell that she was holding back the tears in her eyes and trying not to break.

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