From foe to Friend

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Ryu and Neo were walking back to Kuro.

Ryu: Alright Kuro, let's go.

Kuro: What were you two doing?

Neo: Oh you know, just catching up with each other.

Kuro: Oh ok! Then let's get going!

She started cheerily marching before her ears finally perked up. She immediately turned back around speeding to the ice cream haired midget.


Neo: Yes, thank Ryu here for that luv.

Kuro: But, huh? Can you preform miracles or something?

Ryu: Sorry Kuro, but do I look like Jesus?

Kuro: Who?

Ryu: Never mind. Anyway how do we get into the castle?

Kuro: Uhhh, that's the part I didn't really think about.

Ryu: ... -_-

Shojo: Well that's a new one.

Neo: Ryu don't you dare.

Ryu: What?!

Neo: We both know good and well that you're going to trying and blow a hole through the side of the castle.

Ryu: Neo come on, we're in another world. I'll be handling this with tact, discreetness, and- Ah I'm fucking with the pretenses if we don't get in by first trying nicely I'm blasting a way myself.

Neo: Fine, just don't do anything that will get Kuro hurt.

Ryu: Neo, even though I find it hilarious, I don't condone child violence.

They walked up to the castle. Ryu noticed the large locked doors thinking to himself.

Ryu: 'Hm, almost like the ones back home. Just smaller and lighter.'

He knocked on the doors most likely hard enough to be heard. After what seemed like a few minutes passed by Ryu shrugged.

Ryu: Oh well, tried the peaceful way, kicking the door down now.

He was about to slam his boot on the door before they heard footsteps.

Neo: That was a close one.

???: *Sigh* I swear this was the worse time to be here cause this place is going to hell.

The doors opened revealing a familiar man with bright red hair and fox ears.

???: Sorry for making you waste your time but her majesty can't be bothered right now. You'll have to wait to put in-

He looked at Ryu Neo and Kuro recognizing the giant and the midget.

Ryu/Neo/Keith: O_O

Ryu: KEITH?!!!

Neo: WHAT THE?!!

Kuro: Uhhh, I thought two said you were-

Keith immediately pulled the three inside as to not cause a commotion.

Keith: For the love of fuck do not do anything yet!!


Neo: How in the world are you even here Keith?

Keith: And the mute is talking. What other crazy shit will happen today?

Ryu: Keith. Explain. How the fuck. You're alive. I put a hole into you're stomach before burning your body into nothing!

Keith: Well I thought so too. As soon as I saw you flying up with that scythe I new it was gonna be the end. As soon at the flames touched me I felt a burning pain, and then nothing. I don't know how long ago it was, but I woke up in this castle. I saw my wounds were almost healed and didn't know what happened for a bit.

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