Welcome to Beacon

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When we last left off our OP Teen had finished smashing in the heads of some white fang members before going off to find his friends. AND NOW!

Ryu: So this is Beacon Huh? I think we'll have a lot of fun here. So Karma what's the initiation gonna be like?

Karma: You think I know everything about this kinda stuff?

Azure: Don't you?

Karma: Not this time. And believe me, I tried. No luck though.

Ryu: I know for a damn fact that Fang amped up security for that so it would be random as hell.

Azure: Knowing him he'll probably put us all on the same team just for plot purposes.

The teens all nodded in unison, not knowing that I'm still listening. They were all in the hall not giving a damn about Professor Ozpin's speech.

 They were all in the hall not giving a damn about Professor Ozpin's speech

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Professor Ozpin

Ryu: Who'd stand here and just listen to some long-

Ozpin: That will be all. Glynda.

Glynda Goodwitch

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Glynda Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: You will all gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. That is all. You are all dismissed.

Ryu: Ok I like how she didn't even drag anything on, but I can tell she'll just bore us out of our minds as a teacher.

Azure: Hundred percent.

Karma: If she doesn't I'll give you 50 Lien.

Time Skip!

Ryu: Dude this is just gonna get so much getting used to.

Azure: Yeah I know, it's a big city, this place. But we'll-

Ryu: No, I mean these unisex changing rooms. Before it was just boy and girl. You can't tell me your not affected by this in the slightest.

Azure: Not really.

Ryu: Then what's that 7 inch ruler doing in your pants?

He then looked down before looking back at Ryu.

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