S2: 3 | Sexy Hunk of a- WHAT?!

Start from the beginning

So that's what this is for.

"Daniel immediately called us after he got you inside and we rushed to finish the event." He looked at me, his sea green eyes making me feel... things.

God Charlotte, the boy's explaining himself.

Can't stop my heart from beating..

But why do I love this feeling?


Since when did I ever care about feeling... things?

I mentally scolded myself for getting distracted and zoned back in to mine and Corbyn's conversation.

"We got the tour doctor to check you up, and unfortunately, he said you were aiding a severe concussion." He pursed his lips, as if remembering what the doctor said pained him.

"When you woke up an hour after you fainted, you spazzed out on us."

"Spazzed out?" I tilted my head to the left, looking at the boy in curiosity.

He nodded, "Yeah you freaked out. You screamed rape, and claimed you didn't know us."

"You called me Tweedledee, Daniel Tweedledum. You called Jack Elsa and Zach Little Monkey."

My eyes widened in complete, utter.... amazement

I give great nicknames even when I'm... out of it.

Suddenly, his expression turned sour. "You kept calling Jonah, sexy hunk of a man."

Sexy hunk of a- WHAT?!

I gasped, "Are you sure it was just a concussion?"

"I might have gone nuts!" I freaked out.

Corbyn all but laughed at my small episode, "You fainted again a few minutes after you and Zach were jumping on a bed, singing Two Little Monkeys."

"We called the tour doctor again and he explained that one of the minor effects of the severe concussion you were aiding was mild amnesia." He explained.

"You didn't even remember that you were in the reality show." He frowned. "You kept saying Jane was in your room the night before and we took advantage of you."

I'm pretty sure I'm as red as a tomato right now.

To say I'm embarrassed is an understatement.

I'm ashamed beyond words.

Beyond everything.


That's what I am.

"Where has Trina been, though?" I asked. "You kept mentioning everyone but her during my little spaztic episode last night. Where was she?"

Corbyn freezed and looked down.

"Corbyn." I called his name, my mind suddenly thinking of all the worst possible scenarios.

"Where was Tri-"

"She was in the infirmary." He cut me off.

"She fainted in the middle of the function last night and the paramedics took care of her. Management immediately contacted her parents and they... they.." He trailed off.

"They what, Corbyn? Spit it ou-"

"They took her home this morning." He finally said it.

"Trina.. she has Lupus. Her kidney is slowly disintegrating. Her parents wanted her home so she could be up for operation soon."

My heart shattered.

My girl best friend... has lupus?

My breathing became erratic and my heart started to beat out of my chest I could hear my pulse through my ears.

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