The Bully's Crush | Slight Logince

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I-" Roman grabbed Logan's hand and dragged him out of the mall, in the direction of his car. "Trust me, I'm doing you a favor." Logan nodded and looked at their hands, silently wondering why Roman didn't drag him by the arm or, at the very least, let go of his hand by now.

They arrived at the car and Roman finally let go, gesturing for Logan to get into the passenger's seat while he got in the driver's side. He started driving out of the parking lot, Roman snorted at Logan's tense body language. "You can calm down, loser. I'm not gonna kill you." "I don't know that. Besides, this is technically kidnapping. You don't know if I was with someone at the mall or if my car is still back there, or-" "Were you with someone?" "No." "Did you drive yourself there?" Logan crossed his arms. "No..."

Roman smirked. "Didn't think so. I'll drive you back home when I'm done." "That's another thing, done with what? Where are you taking me? Why did you kidnap me?" Roman rolled his eyes. "I didn't kidnap you, kidnapping involves a little more resistance on your part and a lot more threatening on my part. You've missed out on 16 years of growing up as the world's worst gender and, as a result, your taste in clothes sucks." "That has nothing to do with-" "So, I'm doing some charity work. Helping the less fortunate because you really need it."

Logan figured there was no point in objecting so he just sat there, silently watching the cars and trees going by. Roman noticed that along the ride, Logan became more relaxed. He sunk into the seat and rested his head against the window, a calm look overtaking his face as his closed his eyes a bit. Roman tried focusing on the road, stealing glances at Logan every now and then. Deep shit with extra peanuts was a very accurate phrase for how Roman felt right now.

They finally got to Roman's house and Roman led Logan inside the house. "Okay, so my idea is that I'll glow you up from sad to interesting, not quite hip yet-" "Román Marcus Alejandro Rodriguez! Dónde has estado? He estado muy preocupado por ti. Sin texto. Sin nota. Simplemente desapareciste." Remus peeked into the hallway from the kitchen with a shit-eating grin. "Te lo dije, Mami. Son drogas." Roman pulled off his shoe and threw it at his twin, who quickly dodged it.

"Román!" His mother scolded, slapping him in the back of the head. Roman and her argued over each other, Roman trying to prove his innocence while his mother attempted to shut him up. Logan awkwardly messed with the button up shirt that was over his t-shirt and shuffled from foot to foot, which was apparently enough to catch Roman's mom's attention. She stopped abruptly, scanning Logan up and down, before turning back to Roman and gesturing to the boy. "Quien es este?"

Roman sighed. "Su nombre es Logan, Mami. Es solo un compañero de clase de la escuela." "¿Estás seguro de que no es tu novio? Si lo es puedes decirme, niño, el es lindo." Roman's eyes widened, "Mom! Just- We'll be upstairs." "Arriba, ¿eh?" Roman dragged Logan up the stairs at a fast pace, ignoring his mom's and brother's teasing laughs.

"What was that about?" Logan asked. "None of your business." Logan wanted to remind him that every time Logan told him something wasn't his business, he pushed anyways. But he decided against it because one, Roman's tense body language was proof that he really didn't want to talk about it and two, this was very much still Roman. Roman who's shoved him into things on more than one occasion, Roman who's still very intimidating and very strong. Logan kept his mouth shut.

Roman closed his bedroom door and sighed, walking over to his closet and making quick work of throwing seemingly random shirts onto his bed. Logan opted for looking around the room, shocked by the glittery Broadway posters that starkly contrasted Roman's usual intimidating personality.

"These might be a little big on you but who's really gonna believe you got clothes like that in your perfect size? Obviously they'll be hand-me-downs." Roman offhandedly commented, still digging through his massive closet. Logan took his attention from the walls to the shirts being thrown on the bed. He picked one up and was immediately in love with it. The deep blue color that mixed into irregular shapes with black splotches was beautiful in his opinion, it seemed big enough that it didn't hug his curves but it wasn't too big that it made him look like a 12 year old boy, and the material was so soft.

Roman couldn't find anything else he was willing to give up just yet so he turned to sort through the shirts with Logan. Logan was already separating the shirts into different piles, Roman chuckled a bit. "Are nerds always this eager to organize things or are you just the oddball?" "Ha ha ha." Logan said sarcastically, "Just help me fold these shirts." Roman rolled his eyes, "As pushy as ever." He mumbled, amused by the annoyed reaction it got from Logan.

When they were done, Logan turned to Roman, who was putting the rejected clothes back into his closet. "Thank you for the clothes, really. But if you don't mind me asking, why are you all of a sudden being nice to me? You haven't messed with me in over a month and now you're helping me with my clothes, it's just very...sudden, is all." Roman didn't turn to face Logan, trying to find a good answer. "It's not like I like you, geek. Like I said, I'm just doing some charity work for the poor and pathetic. And as for picking on you, do you want me to shove you into stuff and bother you all day? 'Cause if that's what you want, I can-"

"No, please don't. Sorry for bringing it up." Logan said quickly. Roman nodded and continued putting his clothes away in silence. Soon, Roman drove Logan home, practically shoving him out of the house to steer clear of Remus and his mother making kissing noises to tease the two. Roman pulled into the driveway and waited for Logan to exit the car. "Uh, thank you. Again. I guess I'll see you on Monday?" "If you should be so lucky to be graced with my presence, mayhaps."

Logan playfully rolled his eyes with a smile and made his way to his front door. Roman tried to push down the warm feeling, the way his heart skipped a beat, the smile that was permanently stuck to his face, the thought of Logan all together, but he seemed to be on his mind the whole way home.


okay, suuuper long bUT i'm double posting today so technically this isn't as long as it should be. i'm trying to make roman a bully but i don't want him to be overboard or cringey so it comes off as like playful insults and that's not what it is fhfhdksl aNYWAYS i hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, love y'all, buh bye!


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