"Yeah yeah." Clarke kisses Lexa's cheek, "You are so cute. I can't express how adorable you look in those ears." Lexa kisses Clarke as a thank you then they go to pay for the ears.


Everyone walks out of the store, "Let's go to the seven dwarf ride first because that line is usually long." Lincoln says and everyone agrees.  We get into the long waiting line and everyone just starts conversations with each other.

"Okay, here is the question, is chocolate a candy or is it it's own category?" Octavia asks and everyone ponders for a moment. Lexa leans on the rail and Clarke leans against her, her arms automatically going around my body.

"Chocolate is a candy." Raven nods, but Murphy shakes his head.

"I think its it's own category. You don't call chocolate cake: candy cake. You call it chocolate cake," Murphy explains.

"That didn't make any sense," Lincoln says for everyone while we scoot a little farther in the line.

"Of course it did," Murphy scoffs.

"Made no sense. Luna, back me up." Raven looks back at Luna who nods.

"I am on Raven's side." Luna says, earning a kiss on the cheek.

Murphy scoffs again, "Come on, Luna. Think with your head and not with who every you sleep with." Octavia smacks Murphy on the back of his head for the comment while Lexa just laughs.

"Awe, Murphy, funny for you to assume she isn't always in my head," Luna says while sliding her hand onto Raven's waist.

"That is gross." Murphy gags while Octavia high-fives Luna.

"That was good," Octavia says before she leans her back on Lincoln. Everyone keeps arguing while Clarke looks around the line, which they have moved up a lot in. Clarke sees a little girl, has to be maybe 12 or 13, just watching Luna and Raven's interactions with a little smile.

"Murph, do you really think chocolate is it's own category?" Lincoln asks and Murphy nods, making everyone laugh.

"Oh, come on!" Murphy pouts like a child, making everyone laugh harder. Clarke can feel Lexa chuckling against her body. When the blonde looked back at the little girl she is staring at Lexa with a little blush on her cheeks. Clarke smiles at the thought of Lexa being little girls gay awakenings.

"Okay, but when you are looking for chocolate you look in the candy isle... not the chocolate isle," Raven makes her point but Murphy is quick to react.

"Chocolate has it's own section in the store." Murphy says but Luna helps out her girlfriend.

"Yeah.... in the candy isle..." Murphy rolls his eyes while Lexa laughs.

"Chicken has its own section, but it is still a meat." Lexa joins in. Clarke looks over at the little girl to watch her mother show her a picture of some boy. Clarke can't help herself but to eavesdrop.

"Isn't Kim's son cute? You two are in the same grade and go to the same school." Her mom winks at her and the little girl fakes a smile.

"Yeah, cool... I guess we can be friends." Her mother laughs at the word 'friends'. Clarke turns to Lexa, who is just watching our friend group, amused.

"Thank you, Lex. At the start of our relationship it was hard because I couldn't wrap my head around my sexuality, but you were there for me. It is scary and it is hard but now I am happier than I ever will be." Clarke gets on the tips of her twos to kiss a confused Lexa.

"No problem?" Lexa chuckles a little while they all move up in the line. It is their turn next. The little girl smiles at Clarke a little, the blonde knows she was listening, while she walks onto the ride with her parents.

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