Chapter 8-Mature Content

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The phone slid through my fingers and landed on the table with a loud thud. Everyone turned to look at me instead of answering the door.

I fumbled frantically to recollect my device before anyone could see the photo being displayed on its screen, but wasn't quite quick enough to triumph over Ino's manicured hand. My body naturally flinched away when I saw her sharp nails primed for the kill. She snatched up my phone like it was the last roll on a buffet and she hadn't eaten for weeks.

The model let out a delighted squeal when she looked down at the screen, "Omg, Hinata, who's this?"

She gave me a wink, only to have Sakura rip the phone from the blond's hands so she could see for herself what the commotion was all about. Her jaw dropped when she recognized one of her old bullies. Her steely gaze shot to my own wary one in confusion only to be redirected as another knock came at the door, this time more loudly.

Sasuke rose to his feet to answer it, mumbling something under his breath about how weird we were, and I couldn't stop myself from shooting to my feet to stop him. My hand grasped onto his arm tightly. Fear was running through my veins at the thought of having to face the man who tried to, and undoubtedly would have, taken advantage of me without consent and that trumped my bashfulness.

Sasuke froze and looked down at me in surprise, an expression I hadn't seen on his features before. In the back of my mind, I was shocked he didn't rip his arm away and toss an insult my way.

Everyone at the table stood up as it became obvious something was wrong.

My whole body felt ice cold, but I couldn't vocalize to the Uchiha what my problem was. All I could do was watch as the doorknob slowly turned. My grip tightened on Sasuke's sleeve and he actually moved slightly in between me and the door as if he were actually concerned, only to be interrupted by the door flying open.

An annoyed Tenten stomped in with a big frown, "Are you deaf? I've been knocking forever!"

My terror was replaced with humiliation and I quickly removed my hand from Sasuke's arm. Tenten, being blissfully unaware of the tension in the room, flounced into the kitchen to grab a snack while playing with her phone. Everyone else continued to stare at me with a variety of confused expressions.

I stepped back from the taller male, who'd yet to do anything but stare at me with an unreadable face, only to feel Sakura grab my arm and start to pull me toward my bedroom. She reassured everyone that we'd be right back before closing the door. Her calm facade faded the instant we weren't visible to our guests.

She flashed the photo in my face and hissed in an upset voice, "Why the hell is he texting you!"

She refocused on the screen only to finally notice the setting of the damned photo. Her face paled at an incredible speed, "H-he's here! What should we do? Does Karin know? Is she here too!"

Tears started welling up in my eyes. I sat defeatedly on my bed while she paced back and forth, endless questions leaving her lips in a panicked voice.

It seemed as though she was trying to come up with scenarios in her head on how to be rid of him. I struggled to explain, "I-I-I don't know..."

The confidence I'd been building up over the past few days was threatening to hit the road. Not only was Suigetsu somewhere in this building, but I'd made a fool of myself in front of everyone just now by reacting how I had. How would I be able to face them now, especially Sasuke! He'll never let me live it down.

Sakura seemed to notice my unease and seemingly read my mind. She took a calming breath and silenced her own anxiety to try and appease mine, a feat that I was grateful for, "Don't worry about it. We'll explain what's going on and they'll understand." There was that mom-friend instinct she often portrayed.

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