Chapter 62

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-Hinata's POV-

"If you're not ready, we can push this back another couple of weeks. Please don't hesitate to tell me," Kakashi assured me.

It's the second weekend of April. The past five weeks have been quite boring, if I'm being honest. The CEO, Tenten, and my bandmates wouldn't allow me to do much of anything while I recovered from my car wreck. By the end of week two, I was ready to pull my hair out. That being said, the reason Kakashi's asking this isn't because of my physical health, but my mental.

The event that Prestige is supposed to attend this evening is a formal dinner party hosted by our agency's rival: Reject Entertainment. Normally this type of thing isn't all that stressful, but Reject's owned by Obito Uchiha, Sasuke's cousin, meaning his father is almost surely going to be in attendance.

Since Fugaku Uchiha will be there, my father might somehow nosey his way in as well. Ever since Christmas, those two have been joined at the hip. Any time one was seen in public, the other was also present. The merger rumors have been getting more and more believable, at least from an outsider's point of view.

"No, I can do this."

On top of being extremely tired of lazing around the house, I'm sort of hoping my father's there so I can show him that his not being there for me hasn't ruined me. I'm still strong and capable on my own, even after an attempt on my life.

So, the four of us prepared for the event. I chose to wear a simple lavender cocktail dress that's so pastel it's almost blue rather than the soft tone of purple. After getting home from the salon with Sakura, I went upstairs to grab a clutch, nearly jumping out of my skin when Sasuke spoke in an amused tone, "Papa Hyuuga's gonna lose it when he sees you in that dress."

A hand to my chest, I swirled round to give him a pout for frightening me, but he was too busy undressing me with his eyes. Face beginning to warm, I went into the bathroom to put in the earrings Gaara got me for Christmas and the beautiful locket from the Uchiha man.

"You look very handsome, S-Sasuke." And he does. He and Gaara both are wearing fairly basic tuxedos, but he really knows how to work that type of outfit.

He came to stand behind me in the mirror, hands dancing near my hips as he kissed the back of my neck. For once, my hair's up rather than its usual loose style. "Stay near me tonight." My boyfriend's tone was uncomfortable and I know why. His family's very similar to mine, almost identical in their ideals, meaning he wants to act as a buffer for any who may approach.

I turned to give him a small smile, "Let's just try to have a good time, okay?"

Dark eyes searched mine before he wordlessly leaned in to kiss me.

After a short speech given by one of Reject's higher-ups, servers began bringing dinner plates to the many tables. To my surprise, this entire event is being held in Sasuke's father's mansion.

I've been here before. The most recent time was for the Christmas party two years ago, the last one I was forced to attend. I'd spent the length of the party standing silently beside Neji and my father and feeling positively sick to my stomach with anxiety.

To my disdain, the moment we arrived, Sasuke and I were separated from Sakura and Gaara. Itachi bowed politely, "I apologize because I know both of you don't want this, but Father and Mr. Hyuuga have requested your presence at our table tonight."

I met Sakura's eye and she frowned, but nodded, "It's alright, Hina. We'll be okay. Come find us if you can slip away, okay?" I nodded, hugging both her and Gaara before following the elder Uchiha brother. Sasuke simply gave them a look of understanding.

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