Chapter 18

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The next two days passed in a work-filled blur. We finally mastered all the songs on our album as a cohesive group: both singing and choreography. My sore throat healed fairly quickly since I seriously laid off talking unless necessary. In short, things went back to a relative normal where we focused on our rapidly approaching debut and getting to know each other better. Sakura and Sasuke argued like siblings, while Gaara and I quietly enjoyed the company of our new friends.

My favorite part about our co-ed training sessions was singing with everyone else for Jiraiya and Tenten. An indescribable feeling washed over me more strongly as each moment passed because our voices were adapting to one another at a steady pace.

It's not like I don't love singing with Sakura and Gaara, but it made me the most excited when Sasuke and I would sing together because it was like we were starting to be able to read one another's intentions. The first few times we sang together, it was awkward because we weren't familiar with the other's artistry or vocal habits, but we gradually got more comfortable. The more we sang together, the better we sounded and that fact made my heart soar.

I'm sure Sakura and Gaara feel the same way about one another in regards to their dancing. The more they practiced together, the more effortless it looked. Even if they hadn't noticed, the rest of us sure did.

Since I forgot to ask him about his position within the Uchiha family hierarchy, I ended up shamefully googling Sasuke. The results shocked me thoroughly. As it turns out, he is the younger brother of the massive playboy Itachi Uchiha and the second son of the current CEO. So many things suddenly made complete sense.

He acted so formally toward my father at the hospital because he knew word would likely get back to his family if he hadn't. Not only that, but his familiarity with paparazzi and public relations were a given. Though I didn't say anything to him about it, the young man suddenly seemed like a completely different person: someone whose upbringing was incredibly similar to mine. It's no wonder he said such comforting words that day at the hospital. He knows exactly what I've had to go through whilst growing up.

It also made me wonder how he possibly convinced his parents to let him pursue a music career. I said it before and I'll say it again: I've met his father and he's nearly the exact same person as Hiashi Hyuga so I know the man can't possibly approve of his being here. Regardless, it felt like forbidden territory to ask so I kept my curiosity to myself.

Karin apologized profusely for Naruto's actions and desperately tried to convince us that she had nothing to do with it. Truthfully, I believed her, but none of us had time to worry about her because we were too focused on our work.

Speaking of the Uzumaki boy, he received the job offer he'd been inspecting, but not without a strong warning not to meddle in any groups' affairs. Jiraiya and Tenten gave him a harsh tongue lashing and Sakura told me that his face was as white as a sheet of paper by the time they let him go.

After calming down and taking a few hours alone at night to seriously think about my emotions, I realized that I could forgive him for what he did. Despite being devastated that I wasted ten years of my life focused on a boy that very clearly doesn't, and will never, feel the same way, it's true that his actions aren't in his nature. He really did just make a huge mistake and obviously regretted it.

Yes, I still felt a bit of leftover feelings for him, but they'll undoubtedly fade with time. It's for the best, honestly, because it would mean the world to me if we could somehow end up remaining friends in the end. Sakura severely disagreed with my choice to be forgiving and warned me that if he pulled something like that again, she would castrate him and send the removed pieces to his family in the mail. The boys agreed with her, but I couldn't bring myself to hold a grudge.

SasuHina: Beyond The CameraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora