Chapter 13-Mature Content

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-Hinata's POV-

When I woke up, something hard and warm was beneath me. I could tell I was in a car before even opening my eyes by the way the ground felt under my bare feet.

Where are my shoes?

My eyes cracked open and I saw that I was strewn across someone's lap and my shoes were lying abandoned on the floorboard. Everything still felt like a dream. Every sense was magnified to the point where it couldn't be real. For example, the agonizing aroma of a familiar cologne made the hair on my arms stand on end.

The soft tickle of someone running their fingers through my hair sent shivers down my spine. I let my eyes slide back closed and relished in the relaxing sensation. One of the only memories I had of my mother was her touching my hair like that. It had to be a dream.

The hand continued its melodic movements for a few moments as I slid in and out of sleep until the vehicle suddenly lurched to a stop and I heard a deep voice mutter some words, but I couldn't make out what they said. The hand that'd caressed my hair so gently shook my shoulder firmly. It was as if there was a record scratch and everything calm came crashing down.

My eyes shot open and I sat up, looking around frantically as everything felt abruptly less magical. A wave of dizziness made my stomach tingle as I turned to see a strange man looking back at me from the front seat. A small scream slipped past my lips and the man rolled his eyes before turning away. My vision was still very distorted, likely due to the alcohol, but I managed to comprehend that he was not going to do me any harm.

The world was still very much spinning and I struggled to reach for my shoes, losing my grip and toppling into the spacious floorboard with absolutely no grace. A groan slid past my lips. That same muffled voice as before said something in an annoyed tone, but I still couldn't comprehend the words. I struggled to look at whoever was talking, but a wave of dizziness rolled over me and I decided that getting out of this car should be my first priority.

How did I even get in this car?

Where's everyone else?

Oh God! I'm still in this god damn excuse for a dress.

What's this soft thing I'm wearing over it, though? It smells really good.

The door opened to the backseat and whoever or whatever I was resting on before stepped out. I managed to finally pull myself up into the seat, only to have someone grab my arm and help me stand up with my bare toes curling into the soft grass. A content sigh filled the air and I think it came from me, but I couldn't be certain. The cool earth felt amazing beneath my sore feet.

They said something to the driver before closing the car door so the cab could leave. My eyes struggled to focus on anything but my bare feet, when it struck me once again, that my shoes weren't on them. I whirled around, "My sh-" Suddenly I was laying on my back in the grass and a pair of annoyed black eyes were staring down at me.

Is that...Sasuke?

It was like looking at someone when you try to open your eyes underwater without goggles. You could kind of tell who it was, but the picture wasn't clear.

His next words were clear as day, though, "You got new underwear, Hyuga. Nice."

Annoyance and humiliation rolled through me. Maybe I'd gone shopping and by coincidence purchased some more adult and attractive undergarments after the Uchiha made a comment about my "granny panties" and maybe I didn't. Either way, I struggled to get to my feet while he snickered at my feeble attempt to redeem my appearance.

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