Chapter 33

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-Hinata's POV-

Days passed and days turned into weeks while we dove back into our work. It was hard to squeeze time in for anything else for almost a month.

True to his word, Kiba refused to let my busy schedule faze him and chose to focus on making the small amount of time we could get together great. After drunkenly making out with him the night of the party, I thought it'd be relatively easy to approach that type of thing, but ended up being very wrong.

The first time he kissed me after that took me so off guard that I fainted, causing Sakura to panic when she came out of her bedroom to inspect the loud noise she'd heard only to see him knelt next to me on the ground. Since she screamed, the boys heard her and rushed over to join in the panic. The entire ordeal was a giant mess that left me completely humiliated upon waking.

After that, Kiba didn't ever kiss me without very clearly telling me first and even then I struggled if things got too heated. No matter how much I apologized, he swore he was fine with it. I'm sure he mentally was, actually, but it had to be getting physically tedious having to hold himself back so often.

He's a twenty three year old man who has most definitely had his share of girlfriends and sexual encounters, but now he's stuck babysitting a terrified virgin who can barely make out with him without getting overwhelmed. We were very slowly pushing further each time, but even I was fed up with myself so I know he must be, too.

Our debut album became certified platinum and Prestige began to reap the benefits from it. Our very first award was for our debut performance at LMC and all four of us went ahead and signed a five year contract extension with Evolution Entertainment, making our total agreement seven years.

Finally, money was starting to come in for our hard work and the topic of moving out of the dorms became popular for discussion. Kakashi and Tenten both assured us that we're more than welcome to remain living in the agency building, but we could all agree we wanted more privacy and freedom.

Sakura immediately expressed her desire to live together as a group and I thought for sure both boys would be completely against it. To my surprise, everyone was in agreement on sticking together so the search for a new residence began.

When we selected a place and broke the news to Tenten that we were moving out, the woman actually broke into tears, crying, "My baby birds are leaving the nest!" Naturally, we gave her, Ino, Neji, and Temari spare keys to the house.

The place was a new construction with a tall black fence surrounding the entire property. It was two stories tall with a finished basement, open floor plan, and modern amenities. We had the basement converted into an at-home music studio so we could focus on our work without bothering the rest of the house.

There were five bedrooms in total, three on the bottom floor and two on the second. The third one on the first floor was almost half the size of all the others so we easily decided to make that one the spare bedroom. That meant two of us would be on each floor of the house. There was a large bathroom upstairs that connected the two bedrooms, a matching one connecting the two bigger ones on the first floor, and then a guest bathroom as well.

Sakura, always the control-freak, wanted to keep things segregated and have the two of us take the upstairs rooms, but we quickly came to an agreement that we're all adults and shouldn't have to think that way anymore. So, it was decided we'd look at the rooms before deciding who'd stay where. Once we were given the clear to begin moving in, we visited our new home as a group to choose who would be going where.

After looking at them all, Sakura was the first to call dibs. She chose the one on the left, closest to the basement door, on the first floor because it had a closet twice the size of the other rooms. Gaara politely asked if we were alright with him taking the second one, the one that connected to hers via the ensuite bathroom, because it was the only room without windows and that might help with his insomnia.

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