Flashback Chapter-Gaara and Sakura's First Encounter

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-Gaara's POV-

"You've been here before. What should I order?"

I looked over the top of the laminated menu in my hands to see Tenten fidgeting with the wrapper from her straw as she mauled over her choices in food.

We were at our usual once-a-week lunch and today we'd stopped in at Yoko's Karaoke Bar. We were seated in the private room furthest from the entrance so as to attract the least amount of attention. It'd be bothersome if someone heard Tenten's voice, recognized it, and caused an uproar.

Temari and Kankuro brought me here all the time when I was a kid. My siblings didn't have a lot of money, but they still wanted to spoil me here and there so this place was perfect. I've been in love with music for as long as I can remember and they've been one hundred percent supportive of me no matter the cost. The food's affordable and Kankuro's friends with the owner so we didn't have to pay to use the private rooms.

"Chicken tenders are always a safe choice, " I answered sensibly.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "I'm on a diet, Gaara."

It was my turn to sigh, "We shouldn't have come here if you plan on sticking to it."

She gave me a playful glare, but was interrupted by a waitress entering the room nervously. Tenten smiled and motioned for her to approach us more calmly. Once the short blond girl was closer, the pop star smiled up at her, "Don't be shy. Are you a fan?"

The employee nodded with her hands clasped in front of her body uncomfortably. There was a bright look of disbelief on her features.

Tenten shot out of her seat and pulled out her cellphone, "Here, let's take a picture!"

They proceeded to take a few selfies, the waitress just barely managing to smile through her shock. Tenten pulled up her Instagram, "What's your name?"

I tuned out their conversation as a sound pouring into the room from the still-open door drew my attention. A girl was singing. My eyes glazed over onto a photo of nachos as I listened.

She wasn't perfect.

Her voice wavered with obvious nerves, her breathing technique needed some work, and the song she'd chosen didn't suit her as much as another genre would've, but none of that mattered. Even if I couldn't see the person singing, the sheer amount of emotion in her voice was mesmerizing. It was obvious she enjoyed singing and that in turn, made me enjoy the experience.

I wasn't familiar with the song she'd chosen, but the girl could've written it just by how confidently she hit the notes. There wasn't a moment of hesitation that would've led her to trail off-key. It was an anthem-type song that was meant to inspire listeners.

Tenten touched my shoulder, glancing down at the picture I was unintentionally staring at, "Do you want to split some nachos?"

I'd been so focused on whoever was performing nearby that I'd forgotten about the other two people in the room with me. I nodded absentmindedly, trying to tune her out again so I could listen to the music, but sadly the song had already ended. I missed the finale!

The menu slipped out of my fingers and I studied the nostalgic pattern on the table-cloth.

"I wonder who was singing just now. She has a pretty voice."

I nodded in agreement. It was odd that I'd let myself analyze someone else so thoroughly. I felt kind of rude, honestly. This person's a complete stranger and I nosily formed an opinion of them out of nowhere.

Tenten flopped down into her chair, "Don't tell Gai that I'm cheating, okay?" Might Guy is the agency's head physical trainer. He's a kind, yet extremely overbearing man who's the very best at what he does.

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