Chapter 61

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-Gaara's POV-

Sakura Haruno just had sex with me; it was the most magnificent thing I've ever experienced. She's a goddess. Just when I was sure she couldn't get any more beautiful, that she wouldn't be able to make me fall for her further, she'd say something so sincere or make a sound that gives all the music in the world a run for its money, and I'd realize I was wrong. Add to that how it felt, and I'm the luckiest man in the world.

I stared at her sleeping face and basked in the content emotions filling the air. It's past midnight already, and I know I should turn the lamp off and follow her lead, but then I wouldn't be able to see the way her pink hair's strewn messily over my pillow or the way the light casts shadows on her bare skin as her chest moves slowly with each breath. I never want this moment to end.

For the first time in my life, I genuinely feel completely happy. My career's doing well, my siblings are living their lives to the fullest, and I've somehow managed to get the girl of my dreams to say, "I love you.".

Sakura's fingers flexed around my arm slightly in her sleep, and a smile tugged at my lips. Even when we're not cuddling close, she always has a hand on me. In real life, couples don't stay all snuggled up the entire night. People get hot or uncomfortable, and that's fine. Sometimes I worry that she doesn't actually love me and just thinks she does, but then she does something like that, which convinces me I'm wrong.

I've been a terrible person for most of my life, up until a couple years ago, so I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she knows she's loved and appreciated. And I do appreciate her, everything she does.

I'm not a complete fool. I know we're both still young and don't know how the world works, but I think we have the makings of a very healthy and mature relationship. Both of us are open and honest about everything, so we don't risk misunderstandings.

The fact that I'm no longer a virgin should probably make me feel slightly different, but it doesn't. Actually, I feel like I'm just a little more confident in myself, and that's all.

God, I was so worried I'd mess it up by cumming too quickly or accidentally hurting her, but it went so well. Truthfully, I almost didn't make it, so when she finally...I can't believe how amazing she felt around me, how I could feel every movement of her muscles. Then, after that, she still offered to get on top, as if what she'd already given me wasn't enough.

She's truly a gift. I should've thanked her back earlier for trusting me. I could tell that Sakura was scared, but she kept on, and I think she's incredibly brave. I'm not just thinking that because I benefit from it, either. I wasn't lying when I told her I'd wait until she was ready. Even if it took her more than a year, I was, and still would be, willing to wait.

"Gaara, try to get some sleep. Your eyes are dark," her sleepy voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I watched as she reached over to click off the light. Then she rolled onto her side to press her back against my chest, pulling my arm over her side to hug between her arms.

Warmth spread throughout my chest, and I slid my other arm under her before pulling her more firmly against me, kissing the back of her shoulder as I moved further under the blankets to settle in for the night.

"Love you, baby. G'night..." Sakura's voice was barely a light hum, as though she were sleeping fully, but I still returned the sentiment into her skin, smiling happily to myself.

-Hinata's POV-

"Can you get my medicine, please?"

After figuring out Sasuke's problem, he wasn't so tense to be around trying to help me with everything. In fact, I kind of like it. Not the fact that he's trying to cater to my every whim but that he doesn't need an excuse to hang out with me. Even if Sakura or Gaara come here to check on me, we don't have to scramble to act like we weren't together because they already know. So, I moved over to his room so he could play video games or whatever while I took advantage of his insanely comfortable bed.

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