Chapter 63

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-Hinata's POV-

The rest of the event went reasonably well, considering how tense it had begun. We managed to escape our fathers to join Gaara and Sakura.

At the end of the night, once we arrived home safely and went our separate ways to get ready for bed, I snuck over to Sasuke's room. As I reached for the door, it opened, and we jumped slightly in surprise. I laughed nervously, "H-Hello."

He kissed me before pulling me along into his bed. I thought we were just going to sleep after such a stressful event, but after a few minutes of silence in the dark, Sasuke spoke gruffly, "What did you two really talk about?" The barely filtered jealousy in his voice almost held a glint of distrust that left a sour taste on my tongue.

I tightened my arm over his middle, nuzzling my face into his chest with a sigh, "Nothing important. You don't need to worry."

The heartbeat under my ear wasn't at its usual calm and steady pace, telling me he wouldn't accept that response before he could even respond. He still did, though, "Tell me anyway."

My eyes opened to stare at the blanket, "D-Do you not trust me or something, Sasuke?"

The Uchiha man went silent for a long time, but I refused to let it guilt me into apologizing. If anything, he could at least drop the subject because he knows me so well by now that it shouldn't even be a question that I'd never even consider cheating on him.

That being said, I also understand why he's acting this way. There's likely not a single person in his life that he trusts anymore since his mother passed away. I can't blame him for being damaged by his family's constant betrayal because the same thing happened to me, but the fact that we're so similar should be enough to appease his anxiety on the subject.

"Forget it."

My brow furrowed at his semi-irritated tone, and I pulled away so I could look at his face in mild disbelief. Dark eyes glared back, somewhat guarded even though it was just us two. A bit of hurt panged in my chest as I frowned, but I couldn't figure out what to say, so I rolled over to put my back to him. By the time I fell asleep, he still hadn't moved or said anything.

The way he's acting now is so confusing. Everything was fine between us until he saw Toneri talking to me, but I assured him right after that the man had lied about our conversation and that I didn't like him in the slightest after his show of immaturity.

I woke up before Sasuke in the morning and removed myself from his bedroom. After freshening up, I went downstairs to see Sakura making coffee. When I passed Gaara's room, I noticed that the door was open, and the redhead was asleep in his bed, the blanket low enough that I could tell he wasn't wearing a shirt.

That surprised me thoroughly because to this day, I've only seen him shirtless once, and that was when he came out of the bathroom before Masquerade when I'd been locked out of my dorm and had to escape to his and Sasuke's, so no one would see me in a towel. He's a very private person. Sasuke rarely wears a shirt around the house if he's not doing anything, but Gaara always does.

I averted my gaze to Sakura as I approached the kitchen, sitting at the island and offering her a shy smile when she looked my way.

My attempt to appear uninterested apparently failed miserably because her face turned bright red, and she poured us both a mug of the dark drink before sliding one my way and smiling to herself as she looked down, "We did it...."

Shock had my mouth falling open, "R-Really?"

She nodded, her grin widening happily. After a long pause, I realized she was trying to decide if she wanted to add more to her confession and eventually did, "I was...I was so scared I wouldn't be able to handle that type of thing after what happened, but...." The color in her face flared up again, and she squeezed her eyes closed as a soft, excited sound escaped her chest.

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